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The Deep Wyrm

The Protector of Vatenrelm

The Great Wyrm of Vatenrelm

Divine Domains

Like all the great Wyrms, the Deep Wyrms influence is greatly reduced since its disappearance in the Age of Conflict. It is associated with aquatic dragons, most notably Black, Brine, Bronze, Sea, Silver and White dragons, and is thought to be a representative of the dragons size and mysterious nature. It grants its clerics access to the Scalykind and Water domains, and the Dragon and Ocean subdomains.


Like all dragon-kind, the Deep Wyrm's bones are said to hold great power. A wildly held belief in Vatenrelm is that the dragon-infested land of Drek-Bol is in fact one of the Deep Wyrms mighty claws.

Holy Books & Codes

Like all Great Wyrms, the Eldest left no holy books or writings of any kind, leaving its draconic offspring to interpret its wishes purly through ancestral instincts.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Like all of the Great Wyrms, the Deeps symbol is a curled up dragon, although its sigil is usally drawn much larger, to signify the Deep Wyrms mighty size.

Tenets of Faith

As a missing and presumed dead deity, there are few enforced tenents of its faith. Its major goal was the protection of the the Water Realm, its few more intelligent worshipers keep watch over the realm and help to combat the sinister forces of the Deep Realm.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Deep Wyrms main goal was the protection of Vatenrelm, the Realm of Water.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Deep Wyrm was known for its immense size, even among the Great Wyrms. Myths say that it was so large, its body could rest on the bottom of the Vaten Sea with its head still towering above the surface of the waves.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is known of the Deep Wyrms history, as it seemed to have spent most of its time away from the surface world in the Deep Realm. During the Age of Conflict, the Deep Wyrm descended fully, disappearing from sight. Some radical sects (mostly of the Scorched Wyrm), claim that the Deep Wyrm fled in fear, and thus why some of its spawn, the Linnorms, are different than pure dragons, though sects of its followers claim it was instead fighting some greater, unseen threat. During the Age of Separation, a massive, dragon-infested landmass rose from the sea, forming the island of Drehk-Bol. In the eyes of the Vatan people, this event confirmed the death of the Deep Wyrm.
Divine Classification
Great Wyrm
Current Status
Missing, Presumed Dead
901 2500 1599 years old


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