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The Scorched Wyrm

The Protector of Ixuil

The Great Wyrm of Ixuil.

Divine Domains

Like all the great Wyrms, the Scorched Wyrms influence is greatly reduced since its disappearance in the Age of Conflict. It is associated with fire breathing dragons, most notable Brass, Gold, Magma, Red Dragons, and is thought to be a representative of the pure destructive force of dragonkind, whether for good or ill.


Like all dragon-kind, the Scorched Wyrm's bones are said to hold great power. Many believe that the Scorched Wyrms corpse eventually became the Western Crucible, a series of extremely volcanic mountains on the west coast of Ixuil, and its blood became the river of lava that flows across the realm to the Lavaforge. Others speculate that many of the bones lay in the territory of Malk, in the possession of the ancient red dragon there, but those foolish enough to attempt to enter the area and find them have never returned.

Holy Books & Codes

Like all Great Wyrms, the Scorched left no holy books or writings of any kind, leaving its draconic offspring to interpret its wishes purly through ancestral instincts.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Like all of the Great Wyrms, the Eldests symbol is a curled up dragon, although its sigil is usally depicted with flames licking out of its mouth.

Tenets of Faith

As a missing and presumed dead deity, there are few enforced tenents of its faith. Its major goal was the protection of Ixuil, the Fire Realm, and thus some follow this ideal, protecting the remote jungles of the realm through force.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Scorched main goals was the protection of Ixuil, the Realm of Fire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Scorched was one of the older Wyrms to emerge, after the Eldest but alongside its other elemental siblings. Even among the Great Wyrms, the Scorched was known for its vicious territorial nature, and some attribute Ixuil's lack of industry as a byproduct of the Wyrms fierce defense of the realm. However, during the Age of Conflict, the Scorched Wyrm disappeared, presumably slain in one of the many battles of the era. The most widely accepted tale is that she died whist fighting off a Dark Tapestry monster on Ixuil's western coast, becoming the very mountains that guard Ixuil against the horrors of the Stygian Ring.
Divine Classification
Great Wyrm
Current Status
Missing, Presumed Dead
901 2500 1599 years old


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