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Kyongju is a large southern port city and the capital of Hayasaki. It is ruled by Daimyo Mi Jiwoo. Its sigil is orange-gold sunflower.  


Founded by Shou settlers in the 3rd millennia B.A., Kyongju quickly grew in size due to the fertile river plain is located on, fed by the northern mountains on the island. The city and its people grew independently until Hayasaki was peacefully vassalized by the Shou Empire around 100 B.A., and since the rulers of the city have been considered daimyos to the the emperor of the Shou Empire.  


In times of peace, Kyonju is a major cultural and trading hub facilitating commerce between the Shou Empire, the Three Kingdoms, and Toniva. In times of imperial expansion, the city has often housed Shou military forces, such as when the Three Kingdoms were tributary states of the Shou Empire.
Founding Date
3000 B.A.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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