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The Kingdom of Leon is a feudal kingdom on the Island of Leon. It is one of the Three Kingdoms.  


The power structure of Leon is feudal, and is rigidly structured around landowners such as counts and dukes, who are vassals to the king. High-born sea captains called Viejo represent an important class of armed nobility who primarily serve in the feudal courts of the land.   A number of Great Houses hold power in Leon, including the royal House de Cozani, House Serrano, and House Extabeltza.  


Leon's culture is heavily influenced by the conservative teachings of the Church of Pelor and Church of Erathis, and is noted as being influential on old Ascan culture. Among Leonese commonfolk and nobles alike, the law of hospitality is sacred. Thus, it is seen as immoral and unlawful not to treat guests with proper respect. Leonese culture has heavily influenced the kingdom of Luncia.  


The Kingdom of Leon is largely composed of Ascan humans. Even elves and dwarves are seen as unusual, and species such as tieflings and dragonborn are downright alien.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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