Fall of the Fraternity Military Conflict in Material Plane 36 | World Anvil
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Fall of the Fraternity

This war between the 7 children of King Justiel Lazar the Fifth covered the entire Serene Basin and every corner of The Kingdom of Lazar for over 3 decades. By the end there were only 6 siblings, with the youngest falling to a backstabbing.

The Conflict


The administration of day to day affairs in the vast Kingdom of Lazar under King Justiel Lazar the Fifth was divided up among his children, with each child getting a castle they lived in and used as a center of power within the corresponding geographic region they oversaw. Justiel ruled from the Celestial City and concerned himself with foreign affairs and long term goals. For unknown reasons, suspicious figures started to appear as advisers to each child, whispering in their ears and gaining their favor over time.


While traveling to Vitrove Keep, King Justiel was killed in an ambush. A massive country side month of mourning commenced in his honor. Immediately after this time, the normal succession rules, oldest child first, was abandoned with infighting between the siblings started by blaming Vitrove Lazar, - the youngest sibling, leader of the military, and inhabitant of Vitrove Keep - for their father's death. Quickly each sibling seceded from the kingdom making their own principality.

The Engagement

Seeing Vitrove as the most formidable, as military captain and most culpable, he was killed by his sister, Vania Lazar, early in the war. She gave up her principality in the Shallow Sands Desert leaving her brothers, Justiel Lazar the Sixth and Olthar Lazar , to fight over it and distract them as she reorganized her forces. The six remaining principalities fought for many years to take territory away from each other. As invasions occurred, symbols of the past kingdom were destroyed, like temples and landmarks. Many temples had divine relics in them, but it became custom for the religious follower being attacked to hide the items and develop extensive procedures to hinder certain relics from falling into the wrong hands. Ultimately, to end the engagement the principalities landed on the natural boundaries between their territories, except for the former principality of Vania Lazar that was fully captured by her brother Justiel Lazar the Sixth.


The Serene Basin countryside is littered with remnants of the once great kingdom and ruins with divine and magical relics were lost to the destruction. Unguarded and unrepaired, the destroyed buildings, that can be found, have new inhabitants not looking to share their new home. Many relics still reside in their resting places, locked behind long forgotten hide away spots and vault doors.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
1745 FrA
Ending Date
1782 FrA

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