Lazahar Principalities Organization in Material Plane 36 | World Anvil
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Lazahar Principalities

Born from the remnants of the Kingdom of Lazar, The Lazahar Principalities are a loose federation of city-states that spans from the Mourning Mountains in the east to the Gildedwater River in the west and from The Silver Mountains in the north to the Shwarez Sea in the south. The lands border the The Great Wastes, the Dunkel Hills and The Woodland Realm of Fathüme.   The Kingdom of Lazar, named after Lazar the Angel, was one of the first great nations to arise in the First Age. Started with the help of The Celestials, an envoy of Angels and Heros from Boccab, Obad-Hai, Pelor, and Hieronious, the capital, The Celestial City , stood as a beacon for all that was good and just in the world. The inhabitants of the lands crossed most every race and background found in the world at that time. The peace and prosperity that this country saw was long lived and is what attracted inhabitants from all walks of life. It was not until the Bloodline of Lazar ran weak in the veins of the rulers did trouble start. The ultimate end to this kingdom came at the hand of many evil conspirators - divine and mortal alike - who's schemes divided the 7 children of King Justiel Lazar the Fifth and subsequently murdered him to set ablaze the tinder of distrust they had set.   A long, demoralizing war, The Fall of the Fraternity, saw one of the siblings die and countless religious and historical artifacts lost in the countless ruins left by the fighting.   Following the war, the Lazahar Principalities was set up as 6 city states, one for each surviving sibling, with capitals in The Celestial City, Grafal Stronghold, Abentrum Castle, Castle Farcia, Vitrove Keep , and Darkwood Tower.


  • The Lazahar Principalities
    The fractured remnant of the once great Kingdom of Lazar.
Geopolitical, Principality
Alternative Names
The Former Kingdom of Lazar
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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The Kingdom of Lazar

538 1782

The exemplar society of its time, the Kingdom of Lazar, stood as a beacon for all that was good and just in the world.

The Lazahar Principalities

1783 and beyond


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