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Lindorne is the World Tree in The World Tree Forest of the tri-nation peninsula. This tree was brought to this forest as a seed from another World Tree. The tree singing powers of the wood elves here were uniquely used to grow Lindorne to an immense size very quickly. At the same time, the singing made Lindorne into a livable building for the seat of power of the wood elves. A massive opening at the base leads into several hallways and stairs, up and down. Living quarters and governmental meeting quarters can be found here. The Siblings rule from here, and The Eternal Council is said to reside in the tree as well, but nobody knows for sure where.   Lindorne creates the center of Tra-Vananthaar and all other buildings, also trees, in the city are upshoots from the roots of Lindorne. Everyone living in Tra-Vananthaar are connectrd in the way nad has paved they way for the near utopia the ellves of Eldaria enjoy.

Purpose / Function

Lindorne act as the cultural symbol of the wood elves of Eldaria as well as the seat of power for the ruling bodies, The Siblings and The Eternal Council .


The tree was grown and shaped with the tree singing abilities of the wood elves and features organic and natural shapes, with ornate elf trimmings and artistic highlights.
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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