A kingdom bordering Arvaine and the Uncrowned Lands, Regis is known for the centuries of tragedy that has befallen it. Foremost, it was the location of the cataclysmic battle between the Usurper's forces and the gods' Chosen during the age of conquest. The raw magical forces unleashed there scarring the country to this day. Even after the age of conquest came to a close and the age of heroes began, Regis never managed to fully recover. As if the land was cursed, anytime a semblance of order was restored a new disaster would befall it. Whether it be earthquakes, giant raids, goblinoid conquests or virulent plagues, Regis has endured it all. Most recently, its capital has been razed to the ground by an ancient dragon, leaving the nation rudderless once again.
Although Regis has a large territory on paper, few places can support civilization. The Saviour Path is one of those places, a well-traveled road stretching from north to south. It is heavily patrolled by knights and mercenaries, guarding the merchants that contribute most to Regis revenue. From the road, people can see the area called the Stone Garden on the horizon, which is as close as most dare to come to the ancient battlefield.
Heavy Crown, Heavy Heart
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Cursed Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
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