Dockerton Settlement in Meintalia | World Anvil
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A small, fishing village on the coast of South Passolan Grasslands at the mouth of Autaxia's Embrace. The area is rich with fish making the town 's enterprise incredibly fruitful, able to supply many settlements in the region.


Dockerton is a primarily human settlement with a few Elves, Goliath and Half-Elves living amongst them. It's a working class village with a tight-knit community, the majority of the population working in the fishing trade to some degree or maintaining the local businesses, of which there are few.


Dockerton is governed by a democratically elected Lord Mayor that oversees the settlement's trade and taxes. They fall under Imperial rule and as such function in much the same way as other Imperial settlements: Amass resources to sell to the Empire, then pay tax on those and other earnings back to the Empire.


Dockerton comprises mainly of smaller wooden buildings, not the most structurally sound but cheap and easy to repair. The village is mainly comprised of residential dwellings with a few of taverns, inns and general stores.
Founding Date
~710 E2
Location under
Owning Organization


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