The Celestial Hierarchy in Meintalia | World Anvil
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The Celestial Hierarchy

The Hierarchy

The celestial hierarchy is based off of the power and influence that each category of entity or being bears in the cosmos. In the cases of lesser and non-divine beings (ie everything below the Lesser Spirits), they are ranked based on the complexity and purity of their souls.

At the top of the celestial hierarchy sit the three Grand Monarchs: Avaciel, The Monarch of Elements, Eros, The Monarch of Mortality and Lunox, The Monarch of Balance. These three entities are credited with creating the universe in the begining and giving life to the Greater Spirits and God's and as such sit at the very top of the hierarchy. Essentially deities to the God's, they are considered the three most powerful beings in existence and have never been sighted by any mortal, leading some to doubt their existence.

The next beings in the hierarchy are the nine Greater Spirits,each one representing an essential aspect of life. The Greater Spirits were created by the Grand Monarchs and given realms to rule over and inhabit.

Next on the hierarchy are the Gods,the first 15 of which were created by the Grand Monarchs and the The Grand Reaper and the rest being either descendants of those 15 or in some rare cases ascended mortals.

Below the God's sit their faithful companions, the Godbeasts,primal deities made as a lifelong companion by the God that shares their domain. Considered the lowest form of deity, they are not as widely worshipped as others and have a very passive approach to the world of mortals.

Lesser Spirits are next in the hierarchy, considered the first forms of life, created even before the God's. Although they are one of the most ancient lifeforms in existence, their power is very minimal when compared to that of the deities that came after them, thus placing them lower in the hierarchy.

  Below the Lesser Spirits you have the Celestials,beings that inhabit the realms and possess divine souls yet lack divine power or influence.

  Next down the list are The Mortal Races,the first fully sentient beings created by the God's that claim dominion over most of the mortal realms.

Below mortals sit Beasts created by Zolga, Goddess of Animals that inhabit the realms alongside mortals.

Making their home near the bottom of the hierarchy you have Monsters and Daemons, tainted versions of other creations, the lowest form of soul-possessing life.

Finally, sitting at the very bottom of the hierarchy you'll find the Undead,horrific, tainted monstrosities that make mokceries of mortal flesh and lack souls.

For more information on the history of creation click here and for more details regarding the souls of various creatures click here.  


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