The Creation of The Universe in Meintalia | World Anvil
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The Creation of The Universe

The Monarchaic Birth

  In the beginning, there was nothing. Nothing existed, and yet everything that would ever exist was together in nothingness. Time was nothing, there was no space, only the vast emptiness of The Void awaiting fulfilment.   It was during this time that Eros, The Monarch of Mortality willed himself into being and pulled his brethren Avaciel, The Monarch of Elements and Lunox, The Monarch of Balance out of The Void and into being. Together, the three Grand Monarchs existed in the expanse of The Void, spending countless eons drifting in the nothingness. Around them, there was nothing, and yet something was calling out to them, begging to be created and put together. And so it was that the Grand Monarchs brought into existence The Divine Realm, the first of The Realms to exist outside of The Void.   It is here, in the Divine Realm, that the Grand Monarchs rule and have ruled since the beginning of creation. They had created a whole new plain of existence where the Trio lived and yet it was not enough, still they felt the urge to make more. And so Lunox created the Greater Spirits Lux, the Greater Spirit of Light and Nox, the Greater Spirit of Darkness, the first beings created since the Grand Monarchs, to bring darkness and light into the world.    

The Lunoxian Creation

  After creating Lux and Nox, Lunox created each of them a realm in which they could rule over and reside in. These realms were Luxum and Noxum, the realms of light and dark, and other than the Divine Spirits themselves they lacked any form of life. They existed as ethereal realms, similar to the Divine Realm where they were birthed, but were vast and empty, filled to their entirety with either darkness or light. Lunox realised these realms should not exist opposed to one another, being the opposite of one another, and so Lux and Nox were allowed to freely travel between the two realms and balance them equally with light and darkness.    

The Avacian Creation

  Avaciel saw the realms created by Lunox and saw Lux and Nox living out tedious lives and decided to create more life. Avaciel brought into being four Divine Spirits each a reflection of an aspect of himself; Vaër, the Greater Spirit of Air; Pyrize, the Greater Spirit of Fire; Neuria, the Greater Spirit of Water; and Gaia, the Greater Spirit of Earth. With the creation of these four Divine Spirits, Avaciel gave each of them a task, to create worlds in the realms of Noxum and Luxum, making them the first physical realms to exist. The Divine Spirits set to work and created land, surrounded by vast seas, filled with fiery volcanoes and winds that could move oceans. Seeing the chaos of the four Elements existing together in raw form, Lunox intervened and, with the help of Avaciel, the realms became settled and peaceful again.   Luxum was now a realm of light with vast mountains and ravines, a calm ocean filling the lower reaches of the land laced with streams, rivers, and lakes all flowing from the top of the mountains into the seas, wind blowing across the empty land and filling the skies, fire burning beneath the surface. Lux looked upon this new realm and was pleased, ruling over it contently. Noxum, however, was still chaotic although not to the extent of the beginning. The land formed sharp mountain tops and in places were endless ravines with no bottom. The ocean currents were harsh and strong and the wind tore through the valleys in the land. The fire, intended to be kept below the surface, could not be contained and volcanoes and streams of lava formed on the surface to accompany the mountains and rivers. Despite this, Nox was content with the work of the other Divine Spirits and ruled it contently.   However there was a problem: the prolonged presence of one of the Greater Elemental Spirits caused that respective element to dominate the terrain. Troubled by this, Avaciel created an additional realm known as The Elemental Planes, for the Spirits to reside in. Free to manifest their elements to their fullest potenial, the four Spirits created areas within these planes that perfectly embody their sole element, as well as border regions between elements that demonstrate a chaotic combination of two or more elements. With the Spirits now spending less time in Noxum and Luxum, the realms settled into peace once more.  

The Eronian Creation

  With three realms now in existence and only the three Grand Monarchs and six of the Divine Spirits living in them, Eros decided to create the first ever sentient race of beings to inhabit the Divine Realm and interact with Luxum and Noxum as they saw fit. However, to do so they would need to be given a core to grant them their own mind, conscience and will. So it was that Eros brought into being the The Grand Reaper, Greater Spirit of Death and Souls, to control the flow of life and death itself, and with him the creation of Souls. Along with the Grand Reaper, Eros created two more realms, The Soul Garden, and The Soul Forge, where the souls of the dead are sent to be prepared for their next lives. Eros set about creating this first sentient race, giving each a soul crafted by the Grand Reaper. These beings were the Gods and, originally, there were only fifteen, known as The First Gods, to encompass all that was in existence so far. The God’s were the first beings to be given genders and the ability to reproduce by pooling together the energies of a compatible God and Goddess to create new life. They were also the first beings to be created in a purely physical form and so, to meet the needs of their physicality, Gaia created an island in the ethereal Divine Realm for them to inhabit.   The Grand Monarchs created five God’s in each of their domains, each having four representatives of their own aspects and one representing what they deemed to be the three qualities of life. Avaciel’s God’s consist of Pyr, God of Fire, Garra, Goddess of Air, Regius, God of Earth, Neptuna, Goddess of Water, and Brönt, God of Strength. Lunox created Hermas, God of Chaos, Libra, Goddess of Balance, Magus, God of Magic, Perebus, Goddess of Emotion, and Andyra, Goddess of Wisdom. Under Their domain, Eros created Krixus, Goddess of Death, Eterna, Goddess of Life, Xyena, Goddess of Fertility, Tempus, God of Time, and Lyneal, God of Courage.   With these fifteen beings now residing in their own realm with their own souls, the Grand Monarchs decided to watch over them closely. To govern them, Lunox created Penance, the Greater Spirit of Justice and Cain, the Greater Spirit of Chaos, to keep the balance between justice and chaos and punish any God’s that stray from their path and break The Divine Laws. Now that the Nine Divine Spirits had been created, the Grand Monarchs decided to settle, they were content with their work and handed the reigns of creation to the God’s to shape the realms in their own image. The Grand Monarchs and Divine Spirits continue to watch over the realms and govern the actions of the God’s but they themselves seldom have a hand in the affairs of the realms.

The Monarchaic Birth

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The time between nothingness and the Grand Monarch's existence.

The Luxonian Creation

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  • 3 LC

    Creation of Lux and Nox

    Lunox, The Monarch of Balance brings into being Lux, the Greater Spirit of Light and Nox, the Greater Spirit of Darkness.

  • 3 LC

    Creation of Luxum and Noxum

    Lunox, The Monarch of Balance creates two new ethereal realms, Luxum and Noxum.

    More reading
    The Creation of The Universe
  • 4 LC

    The Balancing of Luxum and Noxum

    Lunox, The Monarch of Balance grants Lux, the Greater Spirit of Light and Nox, the Greater Spirit of Darkness the ability to pass between the Realms and bring light and darkness to both.

The Avacien Creation

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  • 5 AC

    The Creation of the Greater Elemental Spirits

    Avaciel, The Monarch of Elements creates Vaër, the Greater Spirit of Air, Pyrize, the Greater Spirit of Fire, Neuria, the Greater Spirit of Water and Gaia, the Greater Spirit of Earth.

  • 6 AC

    Terraforming Luxum and Noxum
    Geological / environmental event

    Vaër, Gaia, Pyrize and Neuria turn Luxum and Noxum into the first material planes.

  • 7 AC

    The Rebalancing of Luxum and Noxum

    Lunox brings balance to the chaotic elements in Luxum and Noxum.

  • 8 AC

    The Creation of the Elemental Planes

    Avaciel, The Monarch of Elements creates The Elemental Planes for the Greater Elemental Spirits to reside in.

The Eronian Creation

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  • 9 EC

    The Creation of The Grand Reaper

    Eros creates The Grand Reaper, Greater Spirit of Death and Souls.

  • 9 EC

    The Creation of Souls

    Eros and The Grand Reaper create Souls.

    More reading
  • 9 EC

    The Creation of The Soul Forge and The Soul Garden
  • 10 EC

    Terraforming The Divine Realm
    Geological / environmental event

    The Greater Elemental Spirits create land in The Divine Realm for the Gods to reside on.

  • 10 EC

    The Creation of The First Gods

    Eros brings into being The First Gods.

    Additional timelines
  • 10 EC

    The Creation of Penance and Cain

    By order of Eros, Lunox, The Monarch of Balance creates Penance, the Greater Spirit of Justice and Cain, the Greater Spirit of Chaos in preparation for the coming of the Gods.


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