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Diana Zamoyski

Diana Dobrovin Ligeza Zamoyski is a young little girl and princess of the duchy of Wiclaw in  Velden. Both of her parents died in a shipwreck in the year 1009 EE, leaving the child an orphan to be raised by her uncle, Aleksandr Dobrovin. She is commonly referred as "The Swallow".
Diana's early years under the guardianship of her uncle were marked by a rigorous and well-rounded education. Recognizing her as the heir to the duchy, he spared no expense in hiring the finest maesters and educators. Diana's remarkable intellect quickly became apparent, absorbing knowledge at an astonishing rate. Her keen interest in the art of war, sciences, and general knowledge set her apart from her noble counterparts, in which her linguistic capabilities were a testament to her dedication to understanding and connecting with diverse cultures. Versed in Snaggravian, Umeran, Engelian, Eftean, and even ancient dialects, her mastery of languages is not just a skill but a tool for diplomacy and bridge-building in the political landscape. 
Nevertheless, despite her interest in linguistics, other fields such as art, poetry, and music seem to hold little sway over her. Her insatiable thirst for knowledge extends beyond conventional subjects, having a particular interest in the arcane and mystical, exploring the boundaries where magic and science intertwine.
Although she understands her duty and the role she is expected to fulfill in the future, the girl has great interest in exploring the world, reason as to why she is eager to meet and speak to adventurers.


In the year 1020, after the events concerning the Världsmord and the assassination of  King Aleksandr Dabrowski, she was elected later that year as the new Queen of Velden, chosen by the dukes of the realm during a great council. However, Aleksandr's rule lacked strength and centralization, which gave power to nobility. Aware of this, a new challenge arose for the young Queen, to take the reins of her kingdom and muster strength or rule a strongly feudal state.
As of 1025, Diana reached adulthood, her birthday being celebrated in a grand feast at the White Keep, with nobles from all over the kingdom receiving invitations, as well as other monarchs from Människar. Letters were sent to Umera, Sarusa and, most peculiarly, to Treria. Yet, only Délphine, Queen of Umera, came to the celebrations, accompanied by some of her most distinguished courtiers. 
During the great banquet, Diana seized the opportunity to convey a rather lengthy, yet filled with meaning speech. Strolling across the dining hall, speaking of her past and how it had shaped the character she had become. She also spoke about the need for unity and previous crises the kingdoms had gone through, urging her vassals to remain loyal and truthful to the crown as she emphasised her commitment with the welfare of the land and its people. By the end, many of the nobles were moved, but not only due to her words, but to her composure and confidence, as they witnessed the diligent and virtuous character their Queen had become, surpassing all expectations, despite the challenges she had endured in her younger days. 

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

During the events that took place in 1020, Diana had been kidnaped by a powerful goblin sorcerer and, later on, taken deep into the  Guardian Peaks, where she became victim of a grand ritual that culminated into the Världsmord. However, she was rescued, albeit injured. This episode took its toll on her, yet, it was pivotal for her personal growth and maturity. 
Year of Birth
1008 EL 17 Years old
Dzuatya - Velden
Greyish Blue
Golden Blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white