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Ellardia †

Ellardia was an ancient city and kingdom that existed in the eastern lands of Människar, around the Guardian Peaks. This near-forgotten civilization venerated the stars and spirits of nature, possessing ahead of their time knowledge in many fields such as astrology, mathematics and were experts in keeping track of time.  

Culture and Myths

    The Ellardians believed mankind had come from the stars, and to them they ought to return. According to their myths, the first couple that had ever inhabited the world fell from the sky as their wings withered away, angels turned to man. Their names long forgotten to today's time, however, it is known that they had 3 children, triplets: Aurora, Illa and Thalia.   Upon reaching adult, Aurora roamed south, a warming girl, cheerful and talkative. The girl would spent time caring for plants and animals, talking to the spirits and caring for the world around her. She then was blessed by the entities of summer and then had two children, Suso and Umera, which are the ancestors of the Susan and Umeran people, who would, thousands of years later, found the two city-states.   Thalia, the tallest of the three, fierce and iron-willed went north, looking for the greatest challenge she could find, in an attempt to ascend to the deity-hood her parents had lost. There she found a giant, so tall and strong that he was capable of tearing apart mountains with his bare fists, a worthy opponent for her. It is said their battle lasted for generations, finally ending at the bottom of a huge crater, she finally slew her foe. The gods, however, were merciful and made the earth rise beneath her feat, creating a single, lonely mountain. As for Thalia, she wasn't given her desired deity-hood, but instead, the gods blessed her womb, saying she would birth the strongest and fiercest warriors that would ever live. The Ellardians consider Thalia to be the ancestor of the Engelians and Trerians.   Finally, Illa, the more shy and brooding of them, often spent countless time gazing at the stars, a humble and intelligent girl. She didn't seek the cold nor the warmth, instead, she settled by the shade of the mountains around her and sat down to wonder about the night-sky. Like her sisters, she had a trace of her parents deity-hood, and instead of battling enemies or sowing plants, she chose to practice magic. She found a lizard in the wilds and became fond of it, she poured some of her power in the animal, which grew wings, becoming large and strong, yet sharing her wisdom and intelligence, the first dragon. It is said this dragon procreated, who then wandered and roamed the world, but it was all for naught, for they were too good and noble for the world, as they all slowly died. By then, Illa was growing old and couldn't do much to save them from death. Eventually she gave birth to a young girl, named Élla and told her to build a city where all would be welcome and taught to observe the stars. Before finally dying, Illa embraced her beloved dragon companion, who flew her high into the sky, where they became an egg, destined to hatch when the world was deserving of dragons again. This is how Mana came to be, the moon of Mellanvärlden. Thus, Illa and consequently, Élla, are considered the ancestors of Ellardia.  


  Ellardia arose at some point around 3000 IE, in a time in which the north and the south were already populated, the north by the predecessors of the engelians and the south by the susans and umerans. Moreover, countless other tribes and smaller kingdoms existed around the centre of the continent, which would constantly try to raid and conquer the Star-City. Despite so, the civilization would later outlast most, if not all of the invaders, only really falling over a thousand years later during the expansion of Engelia.  


  The myth of Illa and her sisters holds significant resemblance with the Arialist preachings, which builds some of the roots knowledge of the monotheistic faith.

≈ 3000 IE - ≈ 1400 IE

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Related Myths