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Known as White Aleria, White Guardian or Vita, Angis is an ancient and legendary spirit whose influence has transcended the boundaries between reality and the beyond for millennia. She used to be worshipped by Ellardia † as a minor deity, associated with wisdom, justice, kindness and virtue, upon which many shrines and monuments were built in her honor, long before the rise of Engelia †. When the fall of Ellardia came, by the hands of the empire, most of the buildings dedicated to Angis were destroyed and her cult slowly dwindled and became forgotten. As of 1025, she is taken as a mere myth or legend by most historians, although there are a few that truly believe in her existence. Angis is depicted as a tattoed, beautiful, young woman that carries an ankh necklace and a white dress. 

She is considered to be one of the daughters of Alerimon, the forgotten Gammalist god of Knowledge and Fate, upon which Angis represents one of the two sides of fate and morality  - more specifically that of good omens and fortune - while her dark sister represents the opposite, that is, deception, dark deals and secrets. 


  Countless myths have been written and associated to Angis throughout time, the following one is named The Black Doors, which represents a collection of tales and stories about the Under Realm.  
Written and compiled by an engelian captain and explorer, the Black Doors is a myth that describes the origin of the Under Realm.    Long before the realms were assembled together, Mellanvärlden was a cold and desolate wasteland: a flat, amorphous and barren piece of land drifting forever in the emptiness of the void, hovering between the Beyond and the Abyss. However, one day, Alerimon, the spider and the God of Knowledge, decided to change that. With incredibly long tendrils, he reached out for each of the six realms and pulled them close together around the barren land, in an intricate and delicate arrange so that each of them could influence Mellanvärlden.    Yet, because the middle realm had no support or balance structure, it swayed and rocked around the void, upon which Alerimon had another idea, he pushed Mellanvärlden and the entire arrangement of the realms to the bottom of the  Great Cluster and above the Abyss, more specifically, over an elevation of stone, so that it didn't linger too close to the Abyss itself. And so, Mellanvärlden as anchored and the other realms could properly orbit and rotate around the middle realm.    Finally, Alerimon, fearing for the well-being of anything that could grow and thrive above the earth, decided to seal any entrances in the elevation that could work as passage between the land and the Abyss, there were many of these entrances, upon which he created large, indestructible doors, the Black Doors.    Tired of all his work and longing for rest, the Spider then ordered his two daughters to act as guardians of these doors, giving each of them a black key. One daughter, wise and kind hearted, took her task to heart and protected the key, steering away from the doors all those who roamed close. The other daughter, however, was more greedy and curious, who lived wondering what lied behind the doors, yet she too complied with the task, acting as a ruthless warden of the doors, accompanied by her serpent companion. Millenia went by and mankind slowly populated the world, with the second daughter growing ever more curious and bold. One day, she decided to take action and opened one of the doors, seeking to explore the world beneath. She had encountered beautiful, lush forests filled with light and magic. She grew powerful and a lust for more arose inside of her. Later, she decided she'd need help to explore further into the depths and made several copies of the keys, giving them to her trusted companions, albeit all mortal men. The other, kind sister and guardian, tried to stop her, upon which they argued and fought. Being outnumbered, the Good Sister stood no chance against her sibling and her mates, and they trapped her in a silver ring so that she couldn't meddle in their affairs.    And then, the Cunning sister and her companions ventured deep into the world beneath and found  countless riches, but also just as many horrors, dark and malign, which tried to escape from the Abyss below.   Eventually, as the second daughter made her way back to the surface, she had change, having been corrupted permanently by the evils of the underground, her magic became dark and evil, as well as her serpent, which had turned into something other than animal.   Outraged, Alerimon couldn't believe the audacity of her daughter, and in an attempt to avoid a greater harm, he decided to cast her out of the world, exiling her to the world of shadow. Yet, her mates were spared as they scattered, each carrying their own copy of the key, as well as the ring containing the spirit of the kind sister. The snake, which by then had become sentient, conscious, escaped the second sister's fate and set out to spread darkness and the evil within itself, seeking to be reunited with its master.    As for the silver ring, it passed hands for millennia, becoming the possession of evil, wicked men who tried to use its power to fuel their ambition and greed, but for naught. However, one day something different happened, a young girl of golden hair came across this ring, and the Kind Sister, Angis, knew she had found a worthy bearer. The young girl was guided and taught much by the spirit, coming to live over 700 years while in possession of the ring.  Some say that, as of 1025, she's still alive, seven centuries old. 
While trapped in the silver ring, Angis physically existed in the mysterious dimension reffered simply as the Labyrinth, but in 1023, she was set free by a particularly resourceful and determined wizard. 

Variations & Mutation

White Aleria is a flower found all around Människar, delicate and sweet smelling. It's common knowledge that finding the flower is an omen of good luck. However, a Black counterpart exists as well, poisonous and bitter tasting, a strong sign of bad luck. 
Fate's Daughter, a painting made by the Umeran Artist Antoine Leroy, which hangs by the Carmine Hallway of the Umeran Palace 
Date of First Recording
Around 2500 IL
Date of Setting
Ancient Times
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