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The Engelian Empire †

The mighty and legendary empire of old. Occupying almost the entirety of Manniskar, this realm of men collapsed long ago, for reasons unknown to today's history. It is said that their architecture, culture and language were the most refined that has ever existed.  


  There are several tales and legends that speak about the origins of the millennial empire, varying mostly according to where one finds himself, with some versions telling about epic stories and supernatural events, while others cover a more concrete, simplistic approach. Some tell the empire had existed since The Dawn of Mankind, while more progressive societies such as Umera and Sarusa tend to agree about the approximate date in which the nation was founded.  

The Guardian's Story

  Mostly spread in Thortyr, this tale speaks about the ancient times of Manniskar, when there weren't many cities and much of the population lived in tribes and despotic clans spread out around the continent. Such clans inhabited mostly the southern peninsula, rarely going much further north than where Kaspitov is today, mostly due to the harsh climate that permeates the boreal regions.   This time is described as dark and cruel, as mankind had to not only survive in the hostile weather, but also fight off the foul monsters that inhabit the continent, with civil wars and raids from other clans only making it worse. These barbaric clans were commonly called Urans or Susans, inhabiting the southern peninsula and raiding cities on the eastern coast, where the main rivers could be found.   It all changed one day, when an armored warrior, bearing the blue and white colors arrived at a village and claimed to the peasantry about a quest that was given to him by the Elder Gods: To lead the people that were suffering against the horrors of the world and bring them north, where he ought to build a huge fortress that would protect all from the dangers of the wild and the cold of winter. The populace did did not believe him, since it was common knowledge that the north was the worst place one could go and that said warrior could only be mad.   During that same day, while a storm ravaged the plains and flooded houses, a large horde of unholy creatures sprung out of the very earth and charged at the small settlement, which was mostly defenseless. The elders tell, however, how the armored knight happened to be right between the village and the horde, in such a way as if he knew that such an attack was coming. The warrior then drew his large sword and heroically proceeded to slaughter the entire horde of monsters, claiming it was his duty and divine mission to protect said populace, as he emerged victorious afterward. It took nothing more for the people to see this man as a prophet and savior of mankind, as they enthusiastically accepted to follow him north.   It took them years, but as the stories tell, they eventually arrived, in the 10th of January of 1895 (approximately 967 IE), "at the edge of a peak so high and so far up in the north, that even the very monsters that plagued the world wouldn't survive there". And there they settled, and the guardian was promptly crowned by the people as their king with a crown made of silver and frystine, and in his homage, the fortress they built was named: Kronstad, the Crown City.   The fortress grew over time and the other settlements were founded over the north, following the teachings of the Guardian as to always seek to protect themselves and to stand united against the evil of the world. The fortress became a city, the city became a province, the province became a kingdom, and sooner than later, the inhabitants of Engelia ( the north was commonly called the land of Engel, god of Winter) were conquering the very barbarians that used to raid them centuries before, giving birth to the legendary Engelian Empire.


At it's peak, the empire's borders stretched from the mountains of Hope in the south, all the way north to it's capital, Kronstad.

1875 IL - 358 EL

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Official Languages
Related Myths