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Ironshell Turtles

This article is part of a collaboration project with the WorldBuilder Espectros, author of the world Orbis.
With shells that gleam under the pale northern sun, Ironshell Turtles are an awe-inspiring sight: colossal beings that once lumbered across the frozen plains of Mellanvärlden's north, their presence forever etched in the myths and legends of the Trerian tribes. However, like countless other wondrous creatures, these were also utterly hunted and exterminated by mankind during Ancient Times and being considered extinct nowadays. Yet, much is still known about the turtles, which the trerians today consider to be a sacred and venerable being. 

Ironshell Turtles once roamed the frozen plains and uncharted wastes of the north, where howling winds whipped across endless stretches of ice and snow, where few dare to tread. Their thick, iron-plated shells shield them from the biting cold. Their massive legs, powerful enough to crack the thickest ice, propelled them across the frozen landscape and, beneath the ice as they would find sustenance in the hardy vegetation that thrived in the darkness, their grazing a vital part of the harsh ecosystem's delicate balance. More than mere lumbering giants, the Ironshell also played a crucial role in their environment, their movements would create channels on the ice, allowing pockets of life-giving water to surface, nurturing fragile ecosystems in their wake. These "Titan Oases" were havens for diverse flora and fauna, guardians of life in the harsh north.

To the peoples of Treria, the Ironshell were more than just creatures; they are revered as ancient guardians, the embodiments of unwavering strength and enduring wisdom. Their slow but steady journey across the land was seen as a metaphor for resilience and patience, a reminder that even amidst the harshest storms, progress is possible. Some legends go as far as telling about ancient tribes that took their reverence a step further, building entire villages on the backs of these giants. These mobile communities, known as "Shellborne," would travel with the Gargantuam creatures, their lives revolving around the Ironshells' migration patterns. Such societies would thrive on the creatures' protection and bounty, offering songs and stories in return, adding a touch of warmth to the unforgiving landscape.
Date of Setting
Ancient Times