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Lore of Alteration (Lärdom om Förändring)

Officially called Lärdom om Förändring, the Lore of Alteration comprehends one of the six branches of Magi, the elementary essence that harbours the utter majority of magical phenomena. Alteration encompasses the external change of objects and/or the self and the enchantment of ordinary matter with magical properties, considered to be the most 'academic' lore of magic, not only due to the immense study and precision required for it, but also due to its clear and organized nature, with the exception of the branch of Shapeshifting.

Those born with the aptitude for this lore are called Alterators and are reasonably common, ranking in 3rd and comprehending between 5 to 7% of all marked. Alterators from the Academy wear yellow and green robes, with the notable fact that a large number of them are also artisans of some sort, be it due to natural tendency or necessity with the advancement of their ability with magic itself.

The magical source of this lore is unprecise and somewhat undefinied, as the casting skill relies on a large number of variables, such as manual precision of the caster, his tools, environment, quality of target materials and their composition, luck and others. For alchemists and enchanters there are no described cases of overcasting symptons, which in part might be due to the physical inability of such thing happening, given the time required for each individual task/spell. Shapeshifters experience exhaustion, starvation and/or dehydration. Famous or otherwise memorable alterators include Yrniela Aelana, Areforn the Old, and Usior Eteau




The art of creating potions, be them wondrous or terrible is an ancient craft which, for the most part, does not require Magi. It is officially divided between Basic, Advanced, and Magical Alchemy. The first comprehends simple mixtures and overlaps significantly with herbalism and medicine, as a physician might elaborate a solution of plants and minerals, using their natural principles to craft a single remedy or drug. It differs from advanced alchemy in the sense that the former requires a significant number of tools and instruments that distill and alter the composition of ingredients, creating a product with properties that differ (although not obligatory) from the natural principles or effects of the individual parts. Finally, magical alchemy is similar to the advanced craft, but coupled with the fact that the Alterator must use his own magical ability and spells to influence and participate in the process of concoction.

A practical example of each would be:

Basic Alchemy - An herbalist mixes two roots, one that soothes pain and another that causes drowsiness, to create a remedy for the symptons of an ordinary disease.

Advanced Alchemy - An alchemist mixes several poisonous plants and fungi to create a potion with healing properties.

Magical Alchemy - An alterator mixes mundane herbs, using his magic in the process, to create a concoction that allows one to gaze into the future or become invisible.

Given the precision of this lore, alchemists are known for spending countless days in their laboratories, studying and attempting to craft difficult or otherwise mysterious potions. Alterators might also use their power to transmute materials, changing their composition altogether.


Encompasses the craft of runes, signs and magical artifacts that may possess nearly any effect, from supernatural strength to the ability to fly or make others burst into flames when in contact with the enchanted item. Enchanters are, most of the time, artisants and smiths who took the trade due to interest or necessity. The art of creating magical items is a laborious, expensive and highly risky one which demands not only time and skill from the alterator, but also passion, preparation and study. It includes the forging of magical rings, phylacteries, Urns and more.

However, there also those who dedicate their lives not for the craft, but the study of magical objects, attempting to understand their effects or freeing them of curses.


Overall seen as a 'square peg in a round hole' of Alteration, shapeshifters, as the name suggests, are marked who possess the ability to change their appearance and take the shape of other creatures and most of the time gaining their abilities during the process. Curiously, they are incapable of taking on the appearance of other Men, no matter their skill or effort, an ability that only Illusionists, of the Sinnets Lardom, possess.
The symbol of the Lärdom om Förändring