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Lore of the Cosmos (Lärdomen om Kosmos)

More commonly known as the Lärdomen om Kosmos, the Lore of the Cosmos comprehends one of the six, officially recognized, major branches of Magi, the elementary essence that harbours the utter majority of magical phenomena. It is taken, without a doubt, as the most powerful lore, encompassing the dominion of space, time, energy and other fundamental forces of reality.

Kosmoggi, as the marked of the Kosmos are called, are extremely rare, comprehending less than 1% of all spellcasters born, coupled with the fact that the manipulation of delicate subjects such as space tends to end disastrously, with sorcerers attempting to teleport to distant places, only to find themselves half-inserted into walls, living beings or simply hundreds of meters above ground, all of which result in nearly immediate death. As of 1025, the only living Kosmoggi in Mellanvärlden are Eurielle Mendeleev, known as Aila, and Anika Giselle, known as Ningzi.

The casting source of this Lore is unknown, but archmages from the Academy theorize that the casting of Magi is adimensional. Despite this, Kosmoggi still experience the symptons of overcasting, described as overall exhaustion, headaches and blackouts. It is symbolized by the colors blue and white.




The manipulation of space encompasses a considerably small number of actual spells, that is, external manifestations. An example of such are portal, distortion and drop spells. The sorceress Ningzi is ingenously known for the use of Drop spells. Other spells include long and short distance teleportation (without the use of portals), called Jump and Blink, respectivelly.


A rather simple and straightforward branch, the dominion over time encompasses spells that accelerate, slow, advance, half and, theoretically, turn back time. This is an extremely rare, dangerous and difficult branch.


The manipulation of energy by Kosmoggi comprise far more than just offensive and defensive spells, but also the absortion and convertion and refraction of magical and natural phenomena.


'Generalist' spells cast by the Lore of the Cosmos take shape in a variety of ways, with countless spells being described, they include phasing shields, magical missiles, light and silencing spells, and othes.
The symbol of the Lärdomen om Kosmos