BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Creation of the World

In the beginning, it existed in the emptiness of the cosmos a single entity, made of pure energy and having no shape or form. It was infinite and yet it occupied no space. It had no quality, no sentience, origin or purpose.

But then, whether by a accident or not, the entity lost its stability. In a blink, the singularity that existed in the void split in a cataclysmical expansion of immensurable proportions, getting separated into 7 parts - these which then originated 7 planes of existence. Yet, these planes were not equal, given that the singularity got split unevenly. Each of the parts had an inherent quality them, they had different shapes, different väsen, and they scattered around in different positions in the cosmos, gaining an unique configuration.

Some cultures claim these events happened by accident, a natural phenomena without any external intervention, others say this was the work of higher, infinite and powerful gods that coexisted with the singularity, or made up the entity themselves. Which is the truth, none can say.

The Seven Planes of Existence



The Realm of the living and the mortal beings, lying in the center of the cosmological sphere and being the stage in which most disputes for power and influence take place in the universe.


The Realm of the elves, immortal and prideful. This plane is inhabited by the High and Dark species of the kind and is the stage upon which their endless wars take place.


The Realm of shadow and decay, filled with death and forgottenness. It is the place which all lost, cursed and trapped souls get sent to suffer and fade for the eternity.


The Realm of fire, rock and ash. Although it is a desolated and infernal place, it is also the home of the Titans, powerful beings that were created in the very beginning of time.


The Realm of light, of order and righteousness. It is inhabited by demigod-like beings that consider themselves the rightful protectors and guardians of the balance in the cosmos.


The Realm of suffering and destruction. It is the home of the kaorans, being filled with a desire for chaos. They are considered the great antagonists of Larianor, in which their grand goal is to eliminate balance altogether, no matter the cost. 


The Realm of magic and knowledge. It is a mystical and mysterious place, devoid of life. It possesses a strong influence over Mellanvärlden, and is constantly sought by the  marked as a means of obtaining power unlimited knowledge.