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The Myth of Dragons

When a dragon is about to breathe his fire, no amount of praying will save those in his path.


  Long forgotten by mankind and nearly all historical entries, dragons were majestic creatures that inhabited the world about 6000 years ago. Towering over the landscape with immense bodies covered in scales, renowned for their ability to fly, using powerful wings that span great distances, while also possessing a powerful breath weapon. Depending on the individual dragon, this breath can be a torrent of searing flames that can reduce cities to ashes or a freezing blast that can turn the air itself into ice. Despite their formidable nature, dragons are not mere mindless monsters, for many myths and stories attribute them with personalities ranging from cunning and malevolent to wise and benevolent. They are often depicted as guardians of hidden treasures, with hoards of gold and precious gems accumulated over centuries, adding to their allure and mystique. Such hoards are usually tucked away in remote lairs, often located within treacherous mountains or on distant islands, which the dragon will protect with all their fury.   Moreover, their scales come in a myriad of colours, from deep earthy browns and vibrant greens to fiery reds and icy blues, each hue often reflecting their personality and element.   The fire from their breath is typically considered to be the hottest flame that can ever be produced, more so than the largest volcanos of Calystar. It is said to be capable of laying waste to entire landscapes and reducing cities to ashes, melting through stone, metal, and flesh.  


  In the days long before the modern empires of Man, when the glades were still present above the ground and spirits crowded the plane, many other creatures were also present, dragons amongst them. Their personality and behaviour varied greatly, in which green dragons would typically inhabit large, greenish plains while black and blue would remain closer to the highest mountains, closer to the skies, frequently protecting their hoards. Red ones tended to be furious, while black were solitary and cautious.   Legends vary regarding their creation, as some believe dragons came from a single ancestor, a titan dragon fleeing from Calystar. As the female finally landed on the land, she drew her last breath. The dragon bore with her 7 eggs, which, upon crossing the barriers between the worlds, each became affected by the essence of a realm. As each one hatched, 7 wyrmlings came forth, each a different colour and with a different name:
— Svartal, the black, brooding and solitary. Affected by Bedrovelse   — Valaror, the white, proud, wise and greedy. Born as an “albino” and unaffected by any essence.   — Rymmis, the green, peaceful, gentle and protector of nature. Affected by Välstånd.   — Annophel, the blue, intelligent, cunning and ferocious, the only female. Affected by Magi.   — Ilskar, the red, furious, murderous and obsessed with power. Affected by Lidande.   — Ogenomtränglig or Ogenom, the bronze, obsessed with other creatures, with creation, the most talkative of all. Affected by Styrka.   — Herravälde, or Välde, the golden, proud, arrogant, obsessed with dominion over the lesser races. Affected by Bëstalla.   Orphans, the 7 wyrmlings each took to a different path, followed by the very energy that burned within them. They reproduced and the world lived an age where dragons occupied the high seat of life.   Another version of their origin is also told by the Ellardians, with the myth of Ella.   However, the dragons all slowly died as time passed, some due to age, others due to fights between themselves or hunted by the sapient races. Of the original 7, only one survived, Valaror, who had secluded himself in slumber beneath the mountains of the north. Nevertheless, as all things come to an end, so did the life of the last dragon, as he was killed by adventurers in the year 1020, at the Rakkaparat Mountains.
Ilskar, the Red.