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A New Era

Political event

July of 1025

Following a siege that lasted about a month, Einar Blastahl, self-proclaimed Jarl of Granhall marched with his army into Kutsvatten, unmolested by the defenders of the city, and made his way to the Konungshöll, the Krateros' longhouse. There he met Hal Stormsvard, the current ruler, and challenged him for the throne.    However, Stormsvard refused the challenge and bent his knee to the warrior, claiming he's merit had been shown by the mere fact he had besieged the capital, despite his crime of killing the former Jarl of Granhall. To the surprise of the populace and soldiers that watched their exchange, Einar pulled his axe and, in one swift motion, cleaved open the Krateros' skull, uttering afterwards:

"Our land reeks of weakness. I shall get rid of this weakness"
  And so, at the 12th of July, Einar Blastahl became the new Krateros of Treria, upon which he immediately put forward his plans of restructuring the nation.

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