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The Second Millenia

The Common Knowledge of the Second Millenia

  • 1000 EL

    8 /1

    Expansion of Knowledge!
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Hidden Sections of the Red Citadel reopened.

      Rumors tell about a pair of adventurers that delved deep into the dungeons of the Citadel and defeated an ancient evil that lurked there for centuries.

    The Red Citadel
  • 1000 EL

    16 /1

    No honor among thieves.
    Criminal Activity

    The end of the thieves guild in Snadov.

      Rumors spread about how the town guard found the entire thieves guild of Bratislen got terribly butchered. Some speak of witchcraft.

  • 1000 EL

    16 /1

    Criminal Activity

    The Crown of Snadov gets stolen.

      Hundreds witnessed the chaos in Bratislen as the crown of Faros Dabrowski, King of Snadov, got mysteriously stolen as it was getting restored.

  • 1000 EL

    17 /1

    "These are my rubies"

    Plutarch Basileus Osteinikos sends a message to Snadov.

    A group of adventurers, with one of them being remarkably short, somehow recovered the crown of Faros Dabrowski and delivered it to the Plutarch of Sarusa, Osteinikos. He then proceeded to completely destroy the crown by tossing it at his palace walls. All his bureaucrats, nobles and ministers witnessed the feat.

  • 1000 EL

    28 /2

    Diplomatic action

    Snadov sends an answer to Sarusa, but the Basileus only makes it worse.

    During a feast that was being hosted at the Sapphire Palace, the Basileus of Sarusa received an answer from Snadov, an engraved sword. The Plutarch then proceeded to completely mock the gesture in front of the entire feast, in which other rulers were present.

  • 1000 EL

    11 /4

    Spies and Angels
    Military action

    The Siege of Sarusa

    After many provocations, the King of Snadov, Faros, sent his army to besiege Sarusa. The Basileus failed to predict the correct time the armies would arrive and chaos fell upon the city, as everything seemed lost. In this day, the tale of the Shadows of Exodus came to be, the day two angels (or demons) saved the city-state. Sarusa grew even more powerful, while this battle ultimately caused the downfall of Snadov.

  • 1004 EL

    25 /7

    Broken Sapphires
    Life, Death

    The assassination of Osteinikos

    Poisoned during a banquet, the plutarch of Sarusa, Osteinikos Skleros met his demise without knowing the name of his killer.

  • 1020 EL

    The Världsmord
    Disaster / Destruction

    Following the kidnapping of the young princess  Diana Zamoyski, a warlock, under the service of the Demon Witch Lamia succesfully performed a ritual that unleashed a ancient evil that stood sealed for millenia, the Four Wraiths of the Världsmord, also known as the 4 Knights of the Apocalypse: Död, Krig, Svält and Skujdom. 

  • 1020 EL


    A New Queen
    Political event

    After the assassination of Aleksandr Dabrowski and the crisis that followed, Diana became crowned Queen of Velden, raising questions as to her capabilities but also sparking the light of new hope for the people.

  • 1023 EL

    The All-Caster
    Life, Milestone

    With the rising concern about demons being seen in the years 1022 and 1023, the All-Caster Baldardash Fullmagick took on the quest of getting to the bottom of it. By the end, he had uncovered the vengeful-angel Namkuzu was to blame for the summons. And thus, it culminated in a grand battle between the Sorcerer and his allies against Namkuzu and his lackeys, in which the Wizard emerged victorious, albeit paying a hefty price.

  • Mid Spring, 1025 EL
    Vampires Sighted!
    Life, Supernatural

    After a group of adventurers killed a ferocious vampire in the northern farmstead of Lebetyn, increasing reports were made about similar creatures in the region, drawing the attention of countless parties, as fear grew amidst the populace, concerned with the dreadful monsters prowling about.

  • May of 1025 EL
    Military action

    Sailing towards Lebetyn, a vevian trading fleet was ambushed by a large raiding party of trerian raiders, which seized an immense haul of silver, wine and quality steel. Other goods that were aboard the ships, such as paintings and books, were left to sink with the ships as only one out of twelve vessels from the fleet managed to escape the raiders. The fleet was part of large, secretive trading deal between Vevia, Umera and Artacia, in which the group of ships were about to conclude their last trip, coming from a series of connections between Alluabid, Sarusa and Umera, expected to arrive at Lebetyn by the 20th of May. This event has further sparked tensions between Vevia and Treria.

  • May of 1025 EL
    Northern Thunder
    Political event

    Following the annual summer fair, Einar Blastahl, captain and respectable warrior of Granhall, rallied many clans of the town under his banner and ushered a powerful and inspiring speech before the populace, calling out for the current frailty of Treria, blaming the lax and indolent reign of Krateros Hal Stormsvard. Einar urged captains and clan leaders to submit under his rule, proclaiming the beginning of a new era for Treria, upon which he proceeded to kill Fainar Almgard, jarl of Granhall, seizing the city to himself and ordering the construction of an armada of ships. Rumors begin spreading about his intentions for claiming the throne of Treria and start an ambitious project of deforestation all over the peninsula, seeking to obtain wood, create farmland and clear dangerous regions. By the 16th of May, he had over 7 thousand men under his command.

    Spear Peninsula
  • June of 1025 EL
    Diplomatic action

    After months of extensive talks and trade, envoys sent by Vevia were successful in their mission to Bratislen: an alliance was secured between the crowns, an attempt at bringing back together the glory of the Snadovian peoples. The news of this information has greatly improved the morale of Vevian armies, who have been performing military exercises for a few months now. 

  • 18th of June, 1025 EL
    Red Lightning
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A magical disturbance of large scale took place in northwest Människar, causing tremors, storms, and strange lights in the sky. Maesters and scholars swiftly deem it a dire omen, prompting royal orders for expeditions to uncover its origin.

    Bris Mountains
  • July of 1025
    A New Era
    Political event

    Following a siege that lasted about a month, Einar Blastahl, self-proclaimed Jarl of Granhall marched with his army into Kutsvatten, unmolested by the defenders of the city, and made his way to the Konungshöll, the Krateros' longhouse. There he met Hal Stormsvard, the current ruler, and challenged him for the throne.    However, Stormsvard refused the challenge and bent his knee to the warrior, claiming he's merit had been shown by the mere fact he had besieged the capital, despite his crime of killing the former Jarl of Granhall. To the surprise of the populace and soldiers that watched their exchange, Einar pulled his axe and, in one swift motion, cleaved open the Krateros' skull, uttering afterwards:

    "Our land reeks of weakness. I shall get rid of this weakness"
      And so, at the 12th of July, Einar Blastahl became the new Krateros of Treria, upon which he immediately put forward his plans of restructuring the nation.