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Northern Thunder

Political event

May of 1025 EL

Following the annual summer fair, Einar Blastahl, captain and respectable warrior of Granhall, rallied many clans of the town under his banner and ushered a powerful and inspiring speech before the populace, calling out for the current frailty of Treria, blaming the lax and indolent reign of Krateros Hal Stormsvard. Einar urged captains and clan leaders to submit under his rule, proclaiming the beginning of a new era for Treria, upon which he proceeded to kill Fainar Almgard, jarl of Granhall, seizing the city to himself and ordering the construction of an armada of ships. Rumors begin spreading about his intentions for claiming the throne of Treria and start an ambitious project of deforestation all over the peninsula, seeking to obtain wood, create farmland and clear dangerous regions. By the 16th of May, he had over 7 thousand men under his command.

Related Location
Spear Peninsula
Related timelines & articles
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