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Manwë Súlimo the King of the Winds, and the King of the Valar, and husband of Varda. The winds are his servants and his power over the world is of devastating magnitudes. He is the chief composer of the song of creation, the song trying to create a beautiful, harmonious world. His will is opposed by Melkor, but he and his allies fight back his evil influence. His disciples are obsessed with the destruction of evil and will seek it wherever they can. They gain their gods favor whenever they kill an evil creature. He is primarily worshipped by elves, however almost the whole world respects him in their temples. His fanatics are known for hutning down evil creatures all around the world.   Manwë was (with Melkor) the eldest of the Ainur, and the one that best understood the will of Eru. When Melkor created the discord in the Music of the Ainur, the Second Theme of Eru that rose to counter the discord used Manwë as its chief instrument. When Arda was formed, Manwë was appointed Ruler of Arda, hence his most common title, the Elder King. Manwë was a kind, compassionate ruler, unconcerned with his own power. He oversaw all of the Valar's early attempts to order Arda, but was unable to stop Melkor's rampages until the Vala Tulkas came to Arda to assist his brethren.   Afterwards, the Valar under Manwë made an abode on Middle-earth in the Isle of Almaren and constructed the two Lamps of the Valar to provide light to the world. But Melkor destroyed the lamps, and the Valar retreated to the continent of Aman, which they heavily fortified. Eventually, the Elves awoke in Middle-earth, and Manwë at last went with the other Valar to subdue Melkor. They succeeded, and Melkor was imprisoned in the Halls of Mandos. He extended an invitation to the Elves to journey to Aman and live there amongst the Valar. For the three Ages of Melkor's imprisonment, the Valar and the Elves lived in peace and happiness. But eventually Melkor was allowed to plead for pardon before Manwë again.   As Manwë was completely free of evil, he was unable to comprehend it, leading him to believe Melkor's lies concerning his reformation. He released Melkor from Mandos, whereupon Melkor began plotting the downfall of the Elves and the ruin of Aman's bliss. He began spreading lies to the elves around him, causing them to hate the Valar after decades. The rebellion that resulted caused the loss of many lives and the destruction of most of Aman's elven lands. As a result, the elves were banished from Aman, and told by Manwe that the Valar would no longer meedle in mortal affairs so directly.   Eventually the Valar won the great war against Melkor(Morgoth) and he was cast into the void by Manwe.   Manwe is followed by monster hunters, Paladins and anyone seeking to prufiy evil from the world. He also has a cultlike following called the The Followers of Manwe

Holy Books & Codes

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Three wavy wind symbols

Tenets of Faith

1-Remove any sign of Chaos you see. 2-Remove any sign of Melkor you see. 3-Suffer not the vile dark worshipper, remove them. 4-Suffer not the witch and warlock, stop them.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Purification of Mellinor and Arda from evil and Melkor's influence.
Divine Classification

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