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Pantheon of Mellinor

Mythology & Lore

The Creation of Arda and all of the known world is attributed to Eru Illuvatar, "the One". He speaks the universe into existence, with the word Eä meaning "It is". Eä is thus the original term for and name of Arda, counting the Earth, the Void, and different specific regions of the skies and heavens.   Eru had produced from his thought angelic spirits, all good in nature, named the Ainur, asking them to sing to Him a melodious tune, to which he added his own splendorous themes. The music of this defined the changes and events that would take place on Arda after its approaching manifestation. One of the Ainur was Melkor, whose name later became Morgoth, who was evil, from whom all evil would stem in Middle-earth and Arda as a whole. Melkor introduced his own evil discords into the main musical theme, disrupting its harmony. In this instance Eru put a stop to the music at once, and manifested all of Eä immediately.   Some Ainur were surprised by the grandeur of this new creation and longed for experience in it - so did Melkor, but with wholly different purposes. Eru granted the Ainur with the choice of living in Arda or staying with him in the Timeless Halls, free of physical form and time itself. Some of the Ainur chose to enter Arda, and so did Melkor. Eru's first intentions during the "Ainulindalë", or the music created by the Ainur, also called the First Music of the Ainur, was to create a somewhat symmetrical world, flat in nature. But Melkor's discords marred it beyond repair and is supposedly what created the vast mountain ranges and hills.   The Ainur that entered Arda were called the Valar (in singular, Vala). The leader and most powerful of the Valar was Manwë. Melkor, or Morgoth, was also the most powerful Valar during those times until his reign as "Dark Lord" of Arda.

Divine Origins

The gods are known to visit the mortal world from the undying lands on occasion. Many hunters tell of their sightings of Orome in the wilderness, some even tell their stories of hunting with him. Just like this, many sailors have seen Ulmo and many clerics saw Mandos in their dreams etc.   Thus, naturally, since the descriptions all these people give of these people are exactly the same, the existence of these gods is not a question of faith, and their worship has existed since the dawn of man and other species. The only difference has been the form of their worship.   Some Valar communed with their followers, causing the creation of cults, holy books or both such as
The Elder Book and The Order of the Elders Way.

Cosmological Views

It is almost unilaterally agreed, with the exception of Church of the Jade Dragon, that the universe was created by Eru Iluvatar himself.
    It is believed that Mandos roams the halls of the dead and guides them in the afterlife.
  That Irmo manipulates and controls the winds of magic themselves, turning them usable by mortals.
  That Ulmo creates and stops fierce storms in the waters, and at times creates catastrophes, usually in order to destroy Melkor's influence.
  That Yavanna aids the wood elves themselves in their work.

Tenets of Faith

The pantheon as a whole has 2 mortal enemies, being Melkor himself and the The Chaos Gods. Thus, anyone worshipping them is seen as openly hostile to the believers of this pantheon.   Other than this, there is no unilateral agreement on any rules across regions. All have their own versions of rules and methods of worship.

Granted Divine Powers

Devoted followers of a god can get bonuses according to their god.
  Ulmo's followers can create water to use as a shield.
  Manwe's followers can sense evil like a smell.
  Further details can be found in the homebrew section.
  Valar Granted Powers


The sects that exist are as follows:
  Church of the Jade Dragon
  All-Fathers Church
  Church of Manwe
  The Old Religion

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