
The Town of Vanla is a major religious hub in the Kingdom of Fallmire, located on the north-western boarder of the Fallmire territory, on a penisula extending into Lake Beris. Each year, Vanla sees tens of thousands of visitors from all over Western Yorithal seeking spiritual and medical services. As a part of the Kingdom of Fallmire, Vanla often receives the King of Fallmire for ceremonies and advice. As a feudal fief and major clerical center, Vanla maintains a large degree of autonomy for governing its own local affairs.


The Vanlan government consists of three parts - a city Council made up of the heads of the most prominant Vanlan families. a Consortium of the heads of the Vanlan temples, and the local Fallmiran Royal Regent. The Council creates and passes legislation, with enforcement performed by Peace Patrols privately funded by the Counciler families. The Consortium provides public health and human services to all Vanlan citizens for free, partially funded by the Council, and partially funded by selling these services to visitors and travellers. The Royal Regent acts as the Fallmiran King's representative in Vanla, collecting an annual tribute, and ensuring general Fallmiran decrees are observed in Vanla. In exchange, Fallmire maintains the routes into and out of Vanla keep funneling foreign money into Vanla.


Merchant District

The Shopping District is a walking mall that leads from the city gate to the Town Square.

Guild District

The Guild District is a cluster of guild halls to the north of, and adjacent to, the Shopping District.

Temple District

The Temple District is a cluster of temples on the east coast of Vanla, adjacent to the Shpping District. It's the seat of power for the Consortium.

Warf District

The Warf District is a series of docks and warfs on the west coast of Vanla.

Entertainment District

This district is the center of Vanlan social life. The main stadium, the Greater Ring, hosts festivals that attract visitors from all over Fallmire and Aberdeen.


The Barracks house the people officially assigned to the Vanlan Peace Patrol.


  • Vanla
Large town
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