Brynden Piper Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Brynden Piper

Ranger of Pinkmaiden, Ser Brynden Piper

Related Character Bio

Brynden was the second and youngest son of his father, Lord Robin Piper. He was a child who took more after his mother and father, unlike his older brother Lewys who resembled his grandfathers. Brynden was blonde of hair, with a sapphire blue left eye, and an emerald green right eye. When he was born, his mother Alysanne Mallister said "He has eyes of the trees and the rivers. With eyes like these my boy, you will rule the forests.", and from that day forward, his life was set. From an early age he learned to fight, but not with a sword. Brynden would instead desire to learn how to use a bow. He would learn quick, outpacing his older brother and even comparing with his teacher by the time he reached the age of 12. He was a kindhearted boy, caring for the well being of others and put many before himself. He would make sure all of the servants were happy and that they all were properly fed, with him occasionally being caught carousing with them late at night. On his 14th name day he would join his father in his monthly hunt through the forest reserve of Pinkmaiden, where he would come across a grand stag. He would miss his first shot, alerting the animal. The stag would not flee, but instead look around. When he drew his second arrow, he would strike the majestic animal, killing with the one arrow.   The next morning, he would say to his father that he wished to become a ranger of their house, stating that he loved to be in the outdoors. His father protested, but in the end relented, telling him that on his 18th name day he would be allowed to join the rangers. but he must first fulfill his duties as a child of House Piper. His father however would soon pass away two years later. This heavily hurt Bryndon, pushing him to live up to the promise he made to his father. He would study hard, and periodically sneak out to go to the woods where he would camp for days before the rangers would come and bring him home. He would learn the names of many of them, most who in time he would grow to call friends and some even brothers, one he would even grow to view as a father figure for the lost boy. When he finally turned 18, he wished his father was there to speak with him one final time, to tell him how much he loved him and how proud he was for growing up to become such a good man. Instead he met with his brother whom he had drifted away from since their fathers passing. He hugged his brother one last time, and kissed his mother Alysanne goodbye. After that he would leave the castle, joining the rangers who he would spend the next decade with as a rookie. Over the years he would hunt poachers and other disturbances on the grounds, slowly working his way through the ranks. When he turned 30 years old he was promoted to be a Deputy ranger. He would finally return home to reunite with his family that he had not seen since he had left. When he returned, he was greeted by his older brother. Both men stood teary eyed, grateful to see one another. They would talk for some time until Brynden asked to see their mother. Lewys would pause, before telling his bother that their mother had passed in her sleep some six years ago. Brynden was devastated, having missed the death and funeral of his own mother. He would spend the rest of his leave with his brother, or just outside the castle walls by the river. He preferred to sleep outside instead of in the castle on a bed as he was accustomed to the wilderness. Once he finished his visit with his brother, he would return to his rangers, however he promised his brother that he would then return every month to their home to make sure he would never miss his family again.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
  • Mother: Alysanne Mallister
  • Father: Robin Piper
  • Brother: Lewys Piper
Extended Family
House Sigil

Brave and Beautiful
Player (Current)
{N.W.} Blader
Year of Birth
363 AC 58 Years old


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