Petyr Piper Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Petyr Piper

Ser Petyr Piper (a.k.a. The Fire of Pinkmaiden)

Related Character Bio

Since he was a child he has always been rowdy member of his family. Known for stirring mischief in his castle and breaking the hearts of many of the serving ladies of his castle, Petyr Piper has never been one to avoid trouble. Since his youth he has had long and luscious red hair that waved downward all the way to his shoulders, complimented by the freckles across his face which were often mistaken for a face full of dirt. When he became a man he quickly developed a sharp and prominent beard to compliment his hair. His mischievous attitude would change into a greater curiosity of the world, although growing into an arbitrary curiosity of the world.   He was squired by his grandfather Lord Lydden before the Kingdoms fell apart at the age of 16, making him one of the last of his generation of squires. when he finished his he was made a knight, he would enlist in the tournament of Seaguard, where he would place third and would win his now prized shield. Ever since he has spent most of his life away from Pinkmaiden adventuring and fighting at tourneys for his family, but he could never stay away from home. From the Cold wastelands beyond the Wall the Wildlings call home, to the distant lands of Slavers Bay and even Asshai once. Much of his adventures have been inspired by if not directly requested by his brother and liege Henry Piper, who has always sought to collect rare and exotic artifacts.   During his trip to Asshai, he would venture through the city, looking upon the oily black stone of the buildings. No one knows what he did during his visit to the ancient city, but when he returned he had changed, no longer so bold in life, instead having grown cold and more spiteful. He continued to love his family and give love to the women, but now it could be seen he lost all attachments in life except for his brother.   When the war of Summer's End erupted, his brother would send him north to speak with the lords and ladies of the lands to foster relations with the northern people who had grown distant from his Kingdom. After his initial visit he would grow a liking to the Lady Karstark, whom he would take great effort to visit again. Upon the conclusion of his first visit, he would return home, only to learn that he would be needed to set sail once again for the North. After the conclusion of his second tour, spending some time with the powerful women of the North, he would sail for Essos to partake in the Tournament of Ny Sar.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
  • Mother: Melissa Lydden
  • Father: Lewys Piper
  • Brother: Henry Piper
Extended Family
House Sigil

Brave and Beautiful
Player (Current)
{N.W.} Blader
Year of Birth
381 AC 40 Years old


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