Season 4, Turn 40

Days 16 - 30 of the Eighth Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

All Eyes on the Vale, Continued

  House Corbray | Kingdom of the Andals | Prince Nyunyu
The guards of the Vale opened the door of the room. They put a sack over his head and closed him into a cart. The cart only stopped to eat, where the prisoners ate alone. He hadn't committed any crime, he was just the right person at the wrong time. Lord Bryndon Piper was sent to The Eyrie just before Bracken had declared war on the Vale.   Nobody talked to the prisoner, even with how many questions he asked. It took a couple of days to get to the shores. There he boarded a ship. He heard the crew members and the guards talking, but at the end none of this made sense. Sometime after they left the shore, the Captain of the crew unhooded him. "Wake up man, we are now at the sea, the instructions were clear, you could not know where you were, but you could know where you were heading, which is Karport. We are gonna trade some wells there, but you will be free there, as the guards said "you are released now", ha! By the way, the guards left you something at the ship's hold.”   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
As per our agreement, and with the release of Lord Piper, understand the eyes of the New Gods, I will honor my commitment...   I, Alexander Bracken, heir to the Iron Throne, do by undeclare War upon House Corbray and will not be sending my armies in Cassel Wolfswood south.   My support for my father and his campaign remain the same but for the life of my Bannerman, I will not be fighting in this war.   Host RP | Jack Handy
~With the declaration against them, over 25k Knights of the Vale have risen up in support of the King of the Vale.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
I will follow my liege and brother-in-law to war. I had other plans in Pinkmaiden, but who cares when you can hear the battle cries of the Andals. The Day Watch will not take part in this because obviously it's not a defensive situation that endangers the crown lands.
Jaehaera is grinning like mad the whole day. She doesn't know why, but she is just so happy for no reason.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
Although honor forbids me from invading the Vale, it does not stop me from defending my father's forces from others...   House Bracken declares war upon the Republic of Lorath should our armies meet.   House Baelish | Kingdom of the Vale | nwvr
House Baelish stands united with King Corbray. The Vale will not bow to an invader with no reason for war apart from thirst for blood and power. We shall fight to the last man for our independence. A word of warning to the Kingdom of the North, no matter how many assurances of peace you obtain, if the Vale falls the North will be next. We have posed no threat to the Iron Throne and only months ago were guaranteed peace by an envoy. The Bracken line knows only war and conquest. I thank the Lorathi for honouring our age-old alliance that shall soon be bound by blood. I leave my son to continue the war in the east and sail for Westeros immediately.

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Khal Hazdahn Eddy
*The Great Wall has fallen.* A thousand thousand horsemen roar as they push through the massive breach. For weeks slaves have been toiling to undermine the wall, and at last it has collapsed. The way to rich Pentos is clear! A single rider gallops ahead to the war-damaged gates of Pentos and screams up: “FLEE! Fly for your lives, the horde is coming! Anyone remaining in the city will on the morrow be massacred without mercy!”   Khal Hazdahn thrusts his sword in the direction of Pentos! “FORWARD KHALASAR! For too long have we peacefully walked our steeds through the fields of Essos! At last we will meet the enemy and fill the plains with blood! Plunder! Death! TO PENTOS!”   Meanwhile, three weeks ago in the far east, Khal Essaria died in his sleep. His son cuts off his head and bursts from the tent, pretending to have executed him to save the family from the shame of a peaceful death. “We have received news from Khal Hazdahn! Rich plunder awaits us to the west! Saddle your horses warriors, we ride for Pentos!”   Free City of Pentos | PatMagroyn
“Captain Santagar, what are you doing?!” Ellyria’s escort arrived at the Tower of the Consul, and upon personally entering the mercenary captain’s chambers, found her in the middle of bagging her trophies. The mercenary had not been answering her summons.   “It’s over Princess. We had enough men to fend off Myr. Not hundreds of thousands of Dothraki screamers.”   “You-“   “The wild folk were outmaneuvered. They won’t reach us. You allowed our militias to disband. So they won’t be raised quickly enough either. The mercenaries we did still have contracted already fled with news of the Daggerfields Barricade falling. Which of course, is due to the wildfire you had set off-“   “Wildfire that defeated Gul Dukat-“   “And weakened the walls directly adjacent to it nonetheless. Not that they were even still manned.” Alysse Santagar sighed. “And the Dothraki refuse your tribute. They’re out for plunder. And they won’t be getting mine.”   Ellyria felt her rage surface in that moment. At the mercenary’s ungratefulness. Her cowardice. “After all my father did for you. After all *I* have done for you-“   Santagar suddenly stood not a breath away from her face now, guards quickly choosing to leave the room. “I led Pentos’ war in Aelyx’s stead. Even as all hope was lost. Even after your Colossus died. Even as the Windblown ended. Even as your father lay sick and bed-ridden. Well…the war is over. Horro is dead. There’s nothing left for me here. And soon, there won’t be anything for you either. Lady of Stonehelm. Storm Queen. Princess of Pentos. Stop clinging to your empty titles and scraps of pride. Accept it. It’s over.”   Ellyria raised a hand to smack her before Santagar struck her first. The Princess of Pentos was knocked to the ground, her cheek bright red.   “…if I were you, I’d leave too. The city will tear you apart before the Dothraki do. I suggest joining your children. Wherever the hells you sent them.”   Free City of Myr | Scotland's BEST
The guerilla forces of Myr rise once more. We will answer Pentos's call for help and relieve them of their siege. We are united in peace, and now we will be united in war. Our city may be in ruins, and our armies weary from years of conflict, but we will continue to endeavor to persevere.   Free City of Pentos | PatMagroyn
Pentos sends well thanks to the Myrish people for publicly professing to come to our aid. Though not all in the Senate would share it, we are thankful for this display of unity after such a dark period in our history.

Oopsie at Highgarden

  House Oakheart | Kingdom of the Andals | Koen27
The rogue captain Ser Boris Hutcheson who was in charge of the Lesser Mander division has been captured after his unsanctioned attack on Highgarden. The division is retreating from the castle as we speak, and headed back towards Old Oak for questioning if there were more people involved in this debacle. Let us hope that this minor incursion shall not be repeated. Lady Arwyn hereby openly apologizes to Lord Costayne for this incident, and promises to put those responsible to justice.

Lemonwood is Under New (Old) Management

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
Thank you House Uller for returning Lemonwood to Queen Helaena Royal Consort.   House Uller | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Rasche
Of course, Prince Alexander- House Uller is glad to restore the ties to Lemonwood that are Queen Helaena's by right.

Election Time in Lorath, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
The inland city of Limaosy was an odd choice for a war meeting of the Admiralty. Seresha knew her father had chosen the location to see her, possibly for the last time. Seresha tried to hold herself together despite the feeling of finality to the visit.   Seresha managed to hold off her emotions by focusing on her work. She went over legal cases with her father and showed off the recent construction she had planned. This was only a temporary distraction from her true fears. On the day of her fathers departure, her emotions hit her like a wave.   “Father please don't go! I don't know what to do without you.” Tears began to roll down her face as her father pulled her into a tight hug.   “Come now Seresha no need to mourn battles yet fought. After all nothing in this world can be known with certainty.” Qarlon retrieved his handkerchief and offered it to her.   “Besides the way you propped up my administration as Vice Magister. I believe you know what to do much more than me.” Her father said jokingly, she couldn't help but laugh. Even in the darkest moment her father found a way to make light of the situation.   “What do you need me to do?” She asked, pulling away from the hug.   “Continue your work on the Mainland. Win or lose, I believe the Republic's future is here and not in Lorath.” As if on que one of ship captain's placed a sizable stack of papers in her desk.   “This is for you Seresha, you are a grown woman. I will not continue to keep secrets from you.” Her father said, presenting her with a small ornate chest.   The carvings on the wooden chest depicted a ship at sea and a large brass key was fitted to its lock. She recognized it from his study, the locked chest had long captivated her and Banyani. The two could never find the key not until now. Seresha and Qarlon shared one last goodbye, praying that they would see each other again.


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