Daniel Flowers Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Daniel Flowers

Daniel Flowers

Related Character Bio

Daniel is David’s bastard though no one in Cider Hall would dare even imply it. It would be easier to deny if he did not look like, talk like, and act like a smaller David. Daniel’s presence is something of a compromise between David and Leanna. Leanna pretends that Daniel is not David’s bastard and David pretends the steady stream of whores to his wife’s chambers are maids. As a part of this uneasy truce, Daniel is never referred to by a bastard’s last name (as that would be acknowledging both that he is a bastard and that he exists) instead the issue of Daniel’s last name is continuously sidestepped. No one knows better both how lucky and how tenuous Daniel’s position is than the man himself. Rather than be jealous of his younger brothers, Daniel is mostly happy Leanna is not his mother. Daniel possesses David’s same skill with the sword, gift in tactics, and devotion to family. He is by his father’s side as often as possible.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Player (Current)
Ricky Norris
Year of Birth
406 AC 15 Years old


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