Free City of Pentos Organization in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Free City of Pentos


First Magistrate Horro Mopatis  

Pentoshi Governance

Since the coup of House Mopatis several changes have been made to the way Pentos and its holdings are ran.   Surprisingly, the Magistrates of this time have actually been embolden and empowered as opposed to restricted. With those loyal being granted swaths of land outside of the city proper. These lands are now the personal holdings of the Magistrates more akin to the feudalism of Westeros. The caveat is that these holdings change hands biyearly. With the lands divided up as per the Prince and the Consuls, more on those later. The idea is that no Consul can rule lands directly when in office and it keeps the land under new rulership meaning more fresh ideas.   These Magistrates then form the Senate. A collective legislative body that advises and guides the Prince. They create laws and budgets for him to pass or Veto as well as working closely with the Consuls to ensure the best for the City.   The Senate members are approved by the Prince in balancing act of power between the great families that call Pentos home. There was much fear regarding tyranny once Horro Mopatis took power by force but the agreement known as "The Rōvēgrie Paciscōr" or "The Great Agreement" in Valyrian, has eased many fears that actually it is a more stable structure.  

The Consuls

One major change to the governance of Pentos is the formation of the Consul Title. These are more similar to the Prince title of old however, they have more power to act in the name of the new Senate.   The Consuls rule biyearly. Each getting two years to shape Pentos in their image. Both are chosen by the Prince from the pool of the Senate and can not rule back to back.   The two Consuls work together and it is of the utmost importance they are chosen in such a way to allow this. The two both act in different ways. One is chosen as the Cities Consul. Where their focus is on economic and judiciary growth. The other is the Consul of the Outskirts, who's primary goal is the defence of Pentos and to hear the pleas of their follow Magistrates.   The two offices are supposed to stop any one man being able to challenge the Prince. With one Consul having command of the economy and the other the armed forces of the city.   Three Men. The Prince and the two Consuls. A balance of power able to work towards the goals of Pentos and its rise.  

Current Consuls of Pentos

Consul of Economy and Judiciary
Magistrate Navio Narratys
  Consul of the Armed Force and Districts
Magistrate Ordello "The Colossus" Haratis

The Ellyrian Guard

Formed quickly after the First Myrish Betrayal, the Ellyrian Guard was a reaction to the limited control the government had over the military.   Before the war, the vast majority of Pentos forces came in the form of Mercenary companies, such as the Windblown. These were strong, however they could easily be manipulated by certain individuals. As Horro Mopatis knew from his own plots.   As such, he brought into effect a new mandate. A standing force. Named the Ellyrian Guard they would be the shield that guarded Pentos. Fully professional they were trained and equipped well. Capable of defending Pentos in times of war.   Upon the completion of the Horro Barricades, this saw the Guard expanded. Now, they would man the walls and posts. Ensuring the city was safe from all invaders.   Armed with a spear, short sword, dirk and kite shield for the regulars they are prepared for any kind of warfare.

Only the Spider Weaves the Web

Type of Government
Constitutional Monarchy
Founding Date
4700 BC
Geopolitical, City council
Controlled Territories


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