Horro Mopatis Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Horro Mopatis

Prince of Pentos, First Magistrate of Pentos Horro Mopatis (a.k.a. The Banker)


Famed merchant, Magister, financial supporter of the Targaryen restoration movement and known schemer, Horro Mopatis is a very wealthy and powerful man, who always seems to be one step ahead of his enemies. With close connections to the Targaryen Dynasty, the Dothraki hordes and the famed sellswords, the Golden Company, few people in the Realm seem to have the resources and knowledge to be playing all sides of the board like him. He enjoys Arbor Gold, grapes from the Summer Isles and women from Lys.   His eldest daughter, married to the Lord of Stonehelm, Siegfried Swann, has proven most fruitful, with several grandchildren and an even stronger military and economic partnership. Especially now with Ellyria being the Storm Queen and her son, Robert married off to Vaegon Targayren's a claimant to the Iron Throne, daughter.   It seems in his older ages, Horro has become somewhat of a family man. Making decisions to enforce his families power and ensure they survive in the event of his passing.   His full support of his daughters Kingdom and alliance with Vaegon nearly saw Pentos sacked, with rumours emerging that many in the City sought to remove him from office. Until Horro acted first.   It is no secret that the man is incredibly close to his daughter, though it can be argued that his youngest son, Aelyx is his favourite. After being named heir.   Again, the history of Aelyx shows the changes in Horro in these later years. Doing all he can to teach, guide and support his son where ever he can. Though some claim his children are merely pawns in his game.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
House Sigil

Free City of Pentos
Player (Current)
Date of Death
2nd Half of Twelfth Moon, 420 AC
362 AC 420 AC 58 years old
Ruled Locations

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