Oldtown Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


Oldtown is one of the largest and oldest cities in Westeros. Oldtown is a labyrinth of wynds, crisscrossing alleys, narrow crookback streets, and markets. Most bridges are made of stone as well, although some wooden bridges can be found as well. The city itself is surrounded by massive, thick, high stone walls. Described as beautiful, Oldtown is also described as smelling as flowery as a perfumed dowager. Oldtown is located at the mouth of the Honeywine in the southwestern side of the Reach. North of the city are the castles Honeyholt and Brightwater Keep. To the east lies Uplands, and to the west Blackcrownand Three Towers. To enter the port of Oldtown from the Sunset Sea, one first needs to enter the Whispering Sound. The Roseroad travels from Oldtown to Highgarden, from where it continued on to King's Landing.  

The Reach
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)

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