Riley Seal Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Riley Seal

Master-At-Arms of Karhold, Ser Riley Seal

Related Character bio

Riley was born the youngest of 4 and the only girl of House Seal of Sealstone. Unfortunately, her mother died of Samwell's Curse when she was 3. Her father, having no idea what to do with a girl, sent her to House Karstark to be their ward. He had hoped they would raise her to be a proper lady and possibly find a good match when she was of age.   Instead, Riley became fast friends with Warrek Karstark, who was only a year older. They did everything together - study, play swords, ride horses. She looked up to Warrek and shadowed his every move. As they grew older, she kept on with the same training he would go through as a young Lord of House Karstark and grew quite the reputation with a sword. The Master-At-Arms would give her odd jobs in exchange for one on one training when he could spare it.   At age 14, Riley beseeched Lord Karstark to allow her to become a squire for their Master-At-Arms rather than look for a husband. It took the convincing of Riley, Warrek, Lady Karstark, and finally Maester Marak showing him that while it wasn't done frequently, it could be done, before he finally agreed. The Master did not make it easy on her, knowing that she would have to prove herself that much more to be taken seriously as a woman in the field.   On her 22nd name day, a ceremony was held where she was knighted in front of her father, brothers, and the Karstarks. She would continue to serve with the Karstark forces when needed and tour Westeros, visiting the other Houses, participating in tournaments, etc. When the North declared their independence from the Iron Throne in 418 AC, Ser Riley was called back to Karhold to serve. Warrek requested that she ride alongside him and so she did, fighting battle after battle to reclaim The North as a sovereign entity of its own.   On the fated day that Lord Warrek lost his life, Ser Riley almost sacrificed her own in vengeance. As she cut a swath through the forces around her, she caught sight of Warrek locked in battle. Riley began working her way towards him only to watch as he was stabbed in the back by a Knight on the side of the Targaryens. Crying out, she pushed even harder, fighting to get to his side. The adrenaline served her well, allowing her to fight through the pain and push her muscles to the extreme. She engaged the Knight in a swordfight, calling him a coward, honorless. The two would trade blows and at one point, she lost her helmet. Continuing on, she parried and struck, pulling back, parrying again. Then at the same moment, both saw each other's weaknesses. Riley brought her sword down and under, pushing up into the weak point between armor and helmet, as the Knight raised his sword to come down on her head. The force of her blow pushed him back enough that only the tip of his sword made contact. It saved her from being taken back to the Old Gods that day, though it cost her the use of her left eye.   Many lives were lost during that war - Lord Warrek, Riley's brothers, the former Master-At-Arms, and countless others. It left Lady Lysara Karstark in charge of her house and with many decisions to make. Consulting with the Maester, she decided to ask Ser Riley to take over as their new Master-At-Arms. She knew the armies, she knew Karhold, she knew how to train properly, she was the best for the job and it's one that Riley takes great pride in.   While she sees Karhold as her home, Castle Sealstone is still the home of her family. It's currently being ruled by her Uncle Keren Seal, a man as old and crusty as dirt. With no other heirs, it's possible she may be called home, but until then she will serve at the behest of her chosen family, the Karstarks.
Player (Current)
Damia Rose
Year of Birth
375 AC 46 Years old


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