Season 4, Turn 29 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 29

Days 1 - 15 of the Third Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

The Scandals of Lys

  Free City of Lys | Coenquistatore
Strange occurrences are taking place in the Disputed Fields. It seems the Steel Angels have been having quite a lot of trouble in getting the border troopers to obey their orders, practically leaving the entire army a sitting duck.   Moredo cannot resist smiling while he was reading the Council bulletin in his mansion near Lyson - the paper was a sort of news that the industrious secretaries of the Council redacted every week for the Magisters. And their eyes only...of course, a series of copies always found their way to some brothel or public baths and soon a myriad of copies, usually modified to stimulate the public against or for a political candidate or proposal, began to circulate all around Lys.   It had become a small hobby for Moredo to write down a few versions of his own to be diffused in key places of the city, and of Essos itself. Sometimes, the old fox wondered if history would tell a few of the stories - whether of imaginary Lysene triumphs or well covered up disasters - he so fondly prepared while sipping a green Silvercoast in the morning as they were true and proven.   Today, though, he would have produced his masterpiece.   A few gold pieces he sent to some of the disgruntled (and heavily indebted) officers his son Lysander loved to fool around with had managed to sow the right amount of disobedience in the Mariner ranks. Nothing major, but crooks and gamblers are easily bought...   This way, the fanatical "angels" of Bakkalon (Lotho, Moredo's disappointing son, has some strange fascinations for cults and other fantasies alike), would have hit a slug and lost a good amount of prestige (they call it honor, whatever they mean with it)   Meanwhile, a completely different tale would begin to circulate at home: "The Mariner Expedition Force has halted its advance after a strange and unsettling discovery took the camp by surprise! A number of highly decorated veteran officers of the Border Force have found odd drawings under their very makeshift racks: HEXES, no doubt, to drive them Mad or worse, to kill them off!"   The mystery would be one that the entire populace will lose their breath upon: first, the obvious will be stated to mislead the public - the Goats and Sorcerers of Qohor have sent some spies, or ghosts, or any other devilry we, civilised Lysene, cannot even comprehend.   The hate against Qohor will be great, and tension will rise...but then! The revelation!   In a few weeks, some trooper will accidentally and quite luckily find some strange equipment in a Steel Angel's, better, on a Steel Angel's body, killed in a minor skirmish with the Qohori...   And the scandal will be huge.   Yes, it was the best plan: an absent Commander (Lysander has been sent to the East, but rumors will tell he chose to go) - a gambling Bank that trusts demon-worshipping fanatics more than the Lysene institutions - and pirates caring only for themselves:   How low have we stooped? Who can save us!?   Moredo, who else?  

Fleet of Pentos Dispute, Continued

  Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
Upon the Banks of Pentos, a Northern armada docks. On its flagship sits a grey-haired general, leaning upon a carved weirwood cane. Upon his back rests a bronze shield painted white, a fiery sun emblazoned in the middle. His eyes look solemn, his face serious. The Magnar Brittlefang may no longer be the terrifying fighter he once was, yet his tactical mind remains as sharp as ever. As he looks across the deck, he spots his boy working the rigging.   Fenrir Eagling was barely a man, his 16th nameday occurring but a week ago, but he showed the makings of a strong leader. Not long ago he performed his rite of passage, surviving for a month on his own in the frozen wastes of the Frostfangs. When he returned to camp, he was covered in dried blood, with large wounds across his chest and arms covered with leaves and sap to keep from festering. On his right arm sat a mighty bird, its claws sinking into the wolf pelt Fenrir had wrapped upon himself for warmth.   This eagle upon his shoulder was larger than most, with sleek brown feathers and piercing eyes the color of ice. A true apex predator.   His return caused much commotion, and Fenrir was eager to tell the story. On one particularly cold night the boy found himself surrounded by a wolf pack, 10 hunters strong. He fought them as best he could, killing seven of them before being tackled to the ground by sharp claws. He fought the wolf with all his might until he felt his shredded limbs giving out.   In that moment, he saw himself from the sky from the view of this mighty eagle. He swooped down and sunk his talons deep into the wolf, killing it instantly. With the eagle’s help, Fenrir was able to survive the attack and hold on just barely long enough to make it back to camp.   The Eagling had warged for the first time seconds before he was faced with death. The experience changed him, and some whisper that he had died, risen back to life by the magic of the old gods. To celebrate his glorious victory, a feast was thrown for the son of Brittlefang. The boy had survived his first test, and was now worthy to stand alongside his father on a new campaign.   At the behest of his allies the Karstarks, Grey-haired Brittlefang had come to Pentos to break the enemies of House Mopatis. The survival of the North depended on strong alliances in Essos, and so the grizzled veteran rose to the challenge once more.   Back in White Harbor, another son of the legendary warrior sat in roughspun robes, deep in prayer. Varin Thenn had yet to earn his name, and his estrangement from his father and the elders of the clan made it unlikely he would. For Varin, though only 13, had taken quickly to the Faith of the Seven.   When Brittlefang heard of his younger son turning away from the old gods, he screamed at him so ferociously that spit flew from the corners of his mouth. He called him a kneeler, a weakling, a boy not fit for his legacy. He forbade the boy from ever returning to his homelands north of the Wall for as long has he held true to his faith.   General Greta Cavebear, now leader of all the free wildlings south of the Wall, took pity on the boy, and offered to sponsor his training and education. Varin took to his studies quickly, and was a fair swordsman as well. Though not his brother, Varin could still best any boy his age in White Harbor. Perhaps determined to prove his father wrong or out of envy of Fenrir, Varin was determined to become worthy of the name Thenn.   House Karstark | Kingdom of the North | Damia Rose
The scout's horse pounded the stone of the dragon road, galloping towards the Karstark banners as the sun was setting swiftly behind them. The wind of the Velvet Hills was blowing strong, whipping hair and mane alike. They'd been riding for hours across the Flatlands. He was thankful to see something that reminded him a little more of home, even if the hills weren't quite as majestic and green as those around Karhold.   Finally the scout reached the outskirts of the camp and the two slowed their pace, winding through the maze of tents. Warriors of all kinds were resting, sharpening tools, getting some grub, laughing over a fire with mugs of ale. The camp was alive with an energy that you could only see in such a setting.   Reaching his destination, he hopped off. "The Master taking visitors? I'm here to report." He greeted the guards with a nod as he asked.   "Aye, go on." One of them held open a flap for the scout to enter.   "Ser Seal, I rode ahead from the orchards."   "Let's hear it." She looked up from the maps, quieting the men around her.   "The Thenns should be arriving soon. Their ships made it to Pentos and they were heading to Guest Manse. I spoke to one of their scouts and advised them of our current route so they can plan accordingly."   "Anything else?"   "Yes, Ser. Our contingent was able to sweep the market outside of Pentos. There are no more Ny Sar in the area. They're all south of the city."   "Understood. Go get some food and drink. You look like you need it."   He exited without another word.   Riley took another look at the map and picked up where she'd left off. "Well then we'll put their marker here." Placing a marker for the Thenns on the outskirts of Pentos. "We've cleared here and here. Nothing to our east or southwest. More of those wastelands are to our west. It truly is a mess out here. That just leaves the Tower ahead of us."   "What of the message they sent?"   "The Myrish are looking for solutions after seeing our arrival. I told them where they can direct their questions. We'll watch for ravens and continue forward until told otherwise. Time will tell if the diplomats can work their tongues faster than we can travel. Though they're at a disadvantage. These grasslands don't require even half the stamina of home. I'd like to see them climbing along the Grey Cliffs!"   "Here, here!" They banged their mugs on the table with smiles and laughter.   "Good session tonight, men. You know your orders. Pass them through the ranks and enjoy the rest of your night. I'll address everyone before we head out in the morning."  

A New Conquest for the Andals, Continued

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~ With half his fleet remaining around Essosi Narrow Sea , Alexander sails North with the other half, docking at The Mud Gate, where he is quickly summoned for a meeting with a Senator from Lorath.  

Vale Enters the Essosi Chat

  House Baelish | Kingdom of the Vale nwvr
After the war with the North most of the Baelish fleet had returned home but William Stone, bastard son of Lord Ækron, had swept round the fingers with 50 ships to take the northern narrow sea for the Vale. He did so without orders from either his father nor the king but to satisfy his own youthful lust for recognition. The men who followed him did so because of his ferocity and vigour during the northern campaign, though perhaps aswell because they had tired of his father's caution. With the chaos in Essos, many of the ports and fishing villages lay undefended. They raided all along the coast, sacking towns and plundering them for the little that remained. Eventually they came to Silty Town and after his own town had dubbed it New Yohnston   Mirrored across the narrow sea he built a small holdfast and used it as a port to continue his "conquest" which was little more than piracy. Many of the Essosi soldiers who had abandoned their armies to return home heard of this bastard and his exploits, they began to appear and pledge their arms to him in return for gold. At first a trickle then a flood of lawless men who had gotten used to a violent life on the long marches west and no longer followed any leader poured into the growing 'tent town'. Young Will grew arrogant and pushed further and further inland...  

Bracken's Journey North

  House Stark | Kingdom of the North | ~TSK~ SteenB11
Lyanna marvels at the pearl. Taking in its beauty and rarity with awe. A small smile appeared on her lips. It lasted mere seconds, hidden behind a scowl once she noticed the Maester and his own mischievous eyes revelling onto her as she read.   She turned her heels. Watching out onto the gardens of Winterfell. If Alexander's intentions were not obvious before then they were now... but could she love the son of the Conqueror. One her own father had opposed. Perhaps it mattered little but, at least it was her decision now.   "Expect the Bracken Fleet to arrive in the coming months, Vorian. Karhold is their destination. It must be at its best. Send a letter to Lady Lysara at once."   The small man bowed deeply before heading off. She knew the pearl was his doing. Maesters had a way to shape the future. Now alone, she allowed herself a second to herself. To deeply enjoy the moment.  

Lord Paramount of the Trident

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
I am more than honored and the announcement is later than it should be but House Piper, specifically Lord Henry Piper, will take over lordship of Riverrun, the ancestoral home of the late House Tully. He will also assume the title of Lord Paramount of The Trident. There are few men I consider worthy of the praise, but Lord Henry is a gentleman and a scholar, thank you my friend   Prince Alexander Bracken   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
It is with great honor and humility that I generously accept my Princes gift. I do not take my duties lightly, and I will strive to ever maintain my Kings peace in his name.   Long Live King Otho Bracken   Lord Henry Piper   House Oakheart | Kingdom of the Andals | Koen27
Congratulations on your promotion, my Lord Piper.  

Journey to Pinkmaiden

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
After opening a special letter, Jaehaera and parts of her entourage are making a trip to Pinkmaiden. Of course her tournament lance and battle armor have been packed, too.   The administration of the Stormlands is in the hands of Lord Wensingtone of House Wensingtone.   The greatest sept in Hollow Sanctuary is slowly creeping out of the ground. Like a big slow mole. "I hope there is at least one big room ready, when I am back." she jokingly says to the leading architect.   Septa Elara Stormcress, who is standing nearby answers that under the sky there is always room. That is in fact the biggest room The Seven ever made.  

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Illan Bahin sat with the 6 other members of the Defense Council. The Council held court in the rundown city hall of Shalorath. They were to access Banyani Jaqen's performance while in command of the Limaosy Valley checkpoint.   Illan had to give Magister Qarlon credit. Most men would threaten or offer political favors to protect family members. The Magister sent a short letter to them that he would comply with their ruling.   “I take full responsibility for the failure at Limaosy Valley. I protected deserters from court martial. If I had enforced discipline I would have had enough men to protect the pass. The officers under my command performed well and I ask the council not to punish them for my decisions.” Banyani concluded his testimony and returned to his seat. Illan began to shuffle through the gathered testimonials.   “The militia speak well of your command. Officers state they would have done nothing differently than you did. Even most of the refugees speak positively of their treatment. Still you think your command was a failure?” Illan asked, skimming through the reports.   “Yes Admiral, my mission was to maintain order…” Banyani stopped as Illan began laughing.   “Court martial militia men? I'm very glad you didn't. The Mainland would never trust us again if we punished them for volunteering.” Illan paused to take a more serious tone.   “Captain I don't there is a man in this room that could have performed better than you did. We provided you with hardly any resources yet you kept your command together for months. I do not wish to presume what my fellow senators of the Defense Council think. I believe we will be hard pressed to find a better general for the National Army.” The other senators started to talk amongst themselves while Banyani sat dumbfounded. Illan would interrupt the discussion.   “We will deliberate on this further in the capital. For now captain your orders are to join the National Army as they muster on the Qohor border. I have business in the capital so I grant you temporary command of our forces there.” Banyani finally snapped out of his stupor to collect his orders from Illan. The young captain still had yet to recover from the shock of his possible promotion. Illan could tell the rest of the Defense Council was not so sure about his ruling. However none of them stepped forward to take the command.


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