Season 4, Pre-Game Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Pre-Game

General Summary

Game Master Intro

  Jack Handy
....And when he had opened the fourth Gate, he heard the voice of the winged beast say, "Come and see!" And he looked, and beheld a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was the Stranger, bringer of Death, and the Seven Hells followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the Realm, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the Realm.
  • Unknown Scroll found within the Starry Sept of Oldtown
  • Unknown Author & Date

And so begins the Melodies of Spring.

King Aegor "the Great" Targaryen, 398 AC
  This website and its pages are the Game Series Bible. With History of the Games, Character Biographies, Art from Through the Saga, Tournaments, Castles, and Valyrian weapons and more are all available to read about and gain throughout the game. I highly recommend players read through as much, if not all of the information within this Document, as it will only enrich the entire experience moving forward. Thank you for your time and thank you for playing.   I want to thank everyone for joining and RPing in my game series, "Melodies of Spring." This is becoming the only game I really make now and I kind of love it! Instead of dozens of different characters in my head that I think about from WZ, I only have a few nowadays and this one is my favorite, especially the players in it. Now making sequel games isn't easy or fun, especially when you add in game RP time jumps, so if anyone has any major issues, please talk to me privately when the game starts but know that to add more players, adjustments for RP reasons and just because I thought it "made sense" not everything is exactly the same from last game. I tried to give players more troops than they told me they had, especially players who lost land and castles. I tried my best to make a fun and competitive game, without overreaching. Thanks again, especially to the players that have helped me along the way and continue to help me to make this game series better each time. Love, Jack   P.S. I think it also might be a good idea when the game starts for players to RP in public chat who they are and who they pledge themselves to as their King... reaffirm your fealty, especially for new players and characters.

Trivia Game

  Jack Handy
When the game starts, I will also be hosting a trivia contest about the lore and history of this game series. All answers can be found throughout the Google Sheet, so read up! Getting a right answer first will earn you real gold and/or lots of troops that I will gift to players. To pay for this, I will use the income from the White Walkers bonuses and other locations. This income will never be used by my actual character, I swear this as Jack Handy the Host. And when the trivia contest is over, I will blockade the bonuses asap! Good luck and do your homework!! :)   Ps. This may be really stupid and only have a few people participating but I figured I'd test it out!  
  • Players are allowed 1 answer, per question.
  • This will all be done in Public Chat. First player to post the correct answer will be the winner.
  • I will try and post questions throughout the day/night to be as fair as possible as some people are only online at certain times of the day.
  I tested out the trivia game with a few questions during the last game and this was the result. If people want to see, again, these questions have already been answered.   Used Questions
Q. Who was the King of the Vale during the Century of Blood in Westeros and what city was he killed in?
A. King Charles Royce, Gultown
***Verus - 1000 Gold Dragons   Q. When the heir to House Manderly was killed at sea during the reign of King Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen), what other House was blamed?
A. House Sunderland
*** Koen - 1000 Gold Dragons   Q. When King's Landing fell in 344 AC, who helped Queen Rhaella and her young son, Aegor Targaryen, escape the Capital and get to the safety of Dragonstone? (their complete name)
A. Lord Victorian Velaryon
*** Fey - 1000 Gold Dragons   Q. What happened to House Tully?
A. They perished in a fire at Harrenhal, year 332 AC
*** Steen - 2000 Gold Dragons   Q. How did Ser Jamie Lannister die and what year?
A. He was killed by Daenerys Targaryen and her dragon in the year 305 AC.
*** Mista - 3000 Gold Dragons


  House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
I am Lord Henry Piper, Lord of Pinkmaiden and controller of the Gold Road River crossings. I have grown very wealthy both from my unshaken loyalty to King Otho Bracken, but also by charging large sums of gold to travel the Gold Road. While I do greatly care for the wealth of my family, I am also a man who does care to share. Pinkmaiden has been renovated many times to accommodate the great and opulent feasts and events I host, as I expect it will continue to require them.   A man for the finest tastes of life, I am also a collector, and have acquired many rare artifacts across the known world. From the finest of Dornish and Arbor wines, to many pieces of dragonglass from beyond the northern wall, to even servants from Sothoyros and the Summer Isles. A great wealth has been spent upon obtaining my relics, and I will not stop until I have attained my ultimate prize.   Born into the times of Darkness when the realms were plagued by Samwell’s Plague and the Targayans were exiled to Dragonstone, my father fought against the Ironborn Raids and other opportunistic Lords. Due to us being further inland than other keeps, my house was spared most of the Ironborn aggression. Our monopoly over all passage of the Gold Road kept many in line who would otherwise have attacked them and allowed them to hire mercenaries throughout the perilous times to defend them and maintain order along their domain. Upon the death of my father, I sent it to the throne at the age of 30. Having ruled for the past 15 years I have been a loyal subject of the Targaryens under Queen Visenya, and I continue to serve Under King Otho Bracken. Under my tutelage the Wealth of the Westerlands and Riverlands shall continue to flow to the capital, for a price of course   Free City of Lorath | Sentry Magistrate Qarlon Jaqen has risen far from his lowly beginnings as an orphaned street performer. The Braavosi youth was adopted by a childless Lorathi couple. After seeing him excel in his basic education his parents finally saved enough money to have him educated by Lorathi Maze Makers. Qarlon once again excelled in his studies being inducted as a Maze Maker and receiving a state pension. At 35 years old Qarlon would receive word of the passing of his father,his heartbroken mother would soon follow just 2 years later. Faced with his own mortality, Qarlon decided to leave his cushy job and set his heart on traveling across Essos. Qarlon used his savings and inheritance to build his sailing ship "The Adventurer '' and at last leave his home. Qarlon finally made his way upon the world's stage with his publishing of "Lost Lands" an extensive study of the fallen empires of Valyria, Andalos, and Rhoynar.   Despite the publishing of his book Qarlon had yet to make any profit from his work and his savings had been spent. Qarlon decided to test his metal as a mercenary captain.Qarlon proved a capable captain serving in Aegor the Great's wars of Reconquest. The dastardly Jaqen gained Westerosi notoriety being a constant adversary in the Targaryens campaigns against the Free Cities. Serving as the admiral of Braavos mercenary fleet his brave counter charge during the battle of the Titan earned him the respect of both Braavos and Lorath captain's. On his 60th birthday Qarlon Jaqen was elected as Magistrate of Lorath winning the support of Braavos exiles and Lorathi veterans. The Scholar Admiral has spent his time building Lorath's military ensuring Lorath will not meet the same fate as Braavos.
Report Date
26 Sep 2023
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