Season 4, Turn 01 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 01

Days 1 - 15 of the First Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Introductions, Continued

  House Fossway (Green) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Bowler
I, Lord Duncan Fossoway of New Barrel, do hereby reaffirm my vassalage to King Vaegon, First of His Name! Long may he reign with justice and wisdom!   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
At the top of the of the world , in an empty room, stands Jamie Corbray in white clothes, looking through the moondoor to everything that's bellow, to his realm, during these months the Vale have raised their defenses, and for first time in a long time, peace and prosperity rises inside the Vale   House Mormont | The North | Knight
Maria Mormont reaffirms her loyalty to the Starks through a renewed oath to the Old Gods of the North. The Fleet of the Bear remains ready to defend the North or strike at its enemies at a moments notice   House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
I, Jack Oakheart, son of Viktor Oakheart and Lord of House Oakheart and Old Oak , formally bend the knee to my brother in law, King Vaegon Targaryen of House Targaryen of Summerhall. May he and his family reign for 1000 years!   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
Let me; I Lord Henry Piper, Lord of Pinkmaiden and controller of the Gold Road River crossings, hereby be the first amongst many to reaffirm and renew my oath of fealty to the One true King of the Andals: King Otho Bracken, First of his name, King of the Andals, King of the Iron Throne, and Protector of the realms. Long may he reign!   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
I, the Noble Lady of Stonehelm, the Princess of Pentos, and Regent of the Stormlords, Storm Queen Ellyria Mopatis Swann, reaffirm my royal writ, and remind the world of our realm’s independence. House Swann of Red Lake Castle renews its vows after the return of its new liege lord, Lord Jack of House Oakheart.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
I, Otho Bracken, Protector of the Realm and King of the Andals reaffirm that the Kingdom of Andals stands strong and proud. It is my distinct honor to wear this Crown that my loyal supporters have aided me in taking. From Oldtown to King's Landing, the Red Stallion waves true.   Westeros deserves peace, but not a false one. I will do everything in my power to ensure that a true peace is achieved that all our grandchildren, and their grandchildren, will enjoy. It is also my pleasure to formally announce to the realm that my wife, Helaena Targaryen, has given me a son by the name of Aegon. House Bracken and House Targaryen are now truly united with blood.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Banyani Jaqen slowly made his way through the winding path of the palace maze. Hedge Mazes were common across Lorath . They weren't meant to be challenging but were made to make one stop and think. A moment for self-reflection or a brief respite from tedious day to day tasks. The Braavosi tried their best to avoid them, not accustomed to the cold northern wind that swept across the island. The Braavosi immigrants were easy to spot rushing from building to building and wrapped in heavy fur coats. The exiled merchant families had successfully lobbied for his father to create a more direct route to the palace. He finally reached the place and waited for an audience with his father.   House Fossoway (Red) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Ricky Norris
In better times Lord David Fossoway of Cider Hall would be a better man, Dave would drink and whore himself to death. It is a shame we don’t live in those times. The stable, sleepy Reach of his boyhood died with Lord Webber. It took Dave’s brother, Duncan’s capture for him to realize this was the case, and it took a great deal more cider before David stopped pretending otherwise. Few would accuse David of being a quick study, but even his horse could see that playing make-believe and leaving such things to those better equipped for them is how his twin and his home got into this mess in the first place. If David’s time hunting had taught him anything it was that you can teach a dog to do anything given the proper incentive.   I shall not split Red from Green. I stand with my twin in his support for Summerhall. May I have the honor to live the whole of my life under the fealty King Vaegon and may his house stretch past the ages.   Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
Magnar Brittlefang’s life over the past year has been busy. With the death of his cousin Titus Crowl, much of his lands had broken up. The Northmen resumed control of Karhold and the wall remained under the nominal control of Crowl’s bastard son. Settlement in the gift has blossomed thanks to the work of Titus’s lieutenant, Greta Cavebear.   Titus himself had expanded his holdings around White Harbor, and now spends half of his time holding court in White Harbor and the other half ruling from Thenn. It’s been exhausting, and frankly he was not a man built for peacetime.   And yet, Brittlefang had not been idle during the interim. He has overseen the building of a new, terrifying fleet to project power south from the bite. The gold that flows from the North’s largest port city has been more than enough to fund dozens of warships, skippers, flotillas, and a new flagship known as The Northern Winds.   Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
The Ship finally creaked away from Storm's End in calm waters in shipbreaker Bay for seemingly the first time since Horro had been visiting his daughter, the Storm Queen.   It was no lie that Horro himself did not truly care much for the Stormlands. The land was wet, drizzly and boring to the First Magistrate who was used to the lovely Manses of Pentos rather than the castles and fortifications of a Westerosi Kingdom. He had to make the visit often though, to reaffirm his support for his daughter and to keep being seen from some of her... less secure vassals.   It had been a good deal of time spent in Storm's End and Summerhall respectively. The latter of which suited Horro’s desires more so and where he, along with his son, The Prince of Peril - Commander of the Windblown, had met with King Vaegon The Last Dragon King. An ally through his grandson.   It would be several days until the ship would find its destination. Alas, Horro would not get to see his home even then for his journey would take him elsewhere though little knew where that was.   House Magnar | The North | Verus_Dolar
Following the events that led after the tragic death of the renowned Titus Crowl. The successor of the ensuing chaos, Magnus “the bastard” Magnar, lost a great deal of land, and many young men. Expelled from the slaughter of Deepdown, the survivors fled to Kingshouse, the once quiet town now teeming with commerce from the trading posts in the storm lands.   Though Magnus feels wronged by the events following the events he inherited, he is thankful for the peace and being formally accepted into the North   House Magnar wishes to formally reinstate our oath of fealty to the Jonathon Stark and his house   House Florent | Kingdom of the Andals | Fey
Lord Florent of House Florent reaffirms our vows of loyalty to Lord Costayne of House Costayne as our liege lord and to King Bracken of House Bracken as our one and true king.   House Allyrion | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} TheLegend
I, Nymore Allyrion, Lord of House Allyrion, formally bend the knee and proclaim my fealty to King Vaegon Targaryen of House Targaryen of Summerhall, long may he reign!!   House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
~After spending a day tracking a buck within the Hunting Grounds of House Targaryen of Summerhall with Vaegon Targaryen, Lord Jack Oakheart bids his friend farewell and begins the long trek back home to Old Oak. He leaves the next morning, before the sun, riding with a small entourage of knights.   ~He decides to avoid the Black Bog , instead heading south through Blackhaven , then along Selmy Red Mountains . He looks upon the Dornish Marches, with its grassland, moors, and plains, and can't help but admire its beauty.   ~After a long day of riding, they finally make it to New Barrel , the home of Lord Duncan Fossoway. They know Lord Duncan will roll out the red carpet, as he always does   ~After a night of drinking and good sleep upon an actual bed, they eat breakfast and prepare for their journey north, along the Mander river towards Goldengrove . Lord Duncan notices Jack is carrying the Valyrian sword Blackfyre, and asks if he may hold it. He mentions that the sword is a dangerous target, especially in these times and asks Jack why he did not send it to the Emerald Palace of House Rogare for protection. Jack tells him it may come in handy in the coming months and they both give each other a nervous nod   ~After 2 nights of sleeping in barns and taverns, the group makes it to Goldengrove , where they rest for a day. They then cut across the Red Lake near Red Lake Castle and make their way towards Old Oak   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Jaehaera Targaryen of House Targaryen of Dragonstone enters the Keep of Dragonstone.   "Princess! You are here! Thank the Seven! Follow me!"   She followed the castellan into the dark hallway. The atmosphere felt like a crypt. "How is my father?" She got no answer, but after some time they reached his chambers.   She was shocked to see her father aged by centuries instead of months since she last saw him. His hair gray, his eyes dull.   "Visenya? Is it you?". His voice came like a whisper.   "No father. It's me. Jaehaera. Your daughter."   "I have a daughter?"   "What happened to him?" she asked the Castellan, while going towards the bed.   "We don't know. Perhaps it's the grief of the Queen's death. Perhaps it's something he got from fighting the Pentosi. Our maester didn't find any sign of an illness. He just seems to have lost the will to live. And perhaps he fights some of his memories so hard, that he suppresses others with them. It's really a mystery."   Jaehaera sat down on the bed and reached for her, now very old looking, father. He looked confused "Have you seen my wife Visenya?"   "I miss mum, too." she said and tears shine in her eyes.   "You look like Visenya." Briefly some clarity comes back into the eyes of the former Queen consort and heroic fighter. "I must give you something." With trembling fingers he rummages around the bed stand. "Here, take that. Its name is Longclaw. It's the sword of Jon Snow and Samwell, who gave it to you great grandfather and he gave it to Aegor, who gave it to me.". Clumsily he hands her a sword. The family heirloom that she longed for since she could remember. The thing that had once awakened her urge to fight.   With trembling fingers she takes it. "Castellan, please leave us alone and close the door!" After she hears the footsteps trail off, she breaks down, sobbing. "Father, don't die! Don't leave me alone!"   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Long Tom looks at the mess that is Highgarden, not an insurmountable obstacle but not a small task either. It has taken him nearly 2 years since laying claim to it to assemble the manpower and workers to rebuild it to former glories and make it the new seat of his house. He watches as Fossoway assembles men nearby. Tom wonders what will happen over his claim and warning to Fossoway of challenging Tom in his authority over the reach. The Reach is divided on who rules Westeros. Tom allowed each lord to do as they believed best for their houses rather than force them into submission as his bannerman. So long as they do not attempt to undermine the authority of House Costayne peace will reign in The Reach. A promise that has held true for over 2 years now. He hopes it remains that way forever.   Free City of Lys | Coenquistatore
**Lord Moredo Rogare**: *First Magister of Lys the Lovely*, the second of this name who managed to be "elected" for life in the fair city, after his illustrious ancestor. Essosi by birth, the man rightly feels to be the most *westernized* of the Eastern sovereigns: "I wish Lys to become a bridge among our cultures, not between two different continents but inside a wider Valyrian ecumene".   Fair in appearance and rich in wit and culture, author of rhymes, translator from the common tongue, restless, ambitious, surrounded by poets, scholars, artists and musicians, but also by the famous Lysene "bravi et sbricchi" (cutthroats and freaks), the man certainly never accustomed to modesty or to the true hardship of life. Vain, and probably quite impractical, he does have a penchant for politicking, in the most ruthless of ways, as the people of Lys have learnt in the few years of his "rule".   House Caswell | Kingdom of the Andals | nickjones12113
Lord Caswell walks the town of Bitterbirdge enjoying the warm summer day, the week of celebrations of the birth of his first son still lingering in the air. Lady Caswell had an easy birth and is recovering quickly. While there is an uneasy peace there is joy to be had.   House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
Darkness. Silence. He floated, adrift in a disorienting void, unable to discern up from down, left from right. He couldn't discern reality from illusion. His thoughts meandered aimlessly in the disorienting void before he succumbed to unconsciousness once more.   Suddenly, a gentle, welcoming *splash* roused him from his perplexing trance. The sensation of cool seawater kissing his face forced his senses to stir, overwhelmed by the world's cacophonous return. Groaning, he attempted to rise, but his body remained uncooperative, like a marionette with severed strings. Yet, he knew he had to regain control.   With sheer determination, he fought against the drowsy fog that clung to him. He drew upon the memory of his father's last words, a wellspring of strength that had always fortified him. Slowly, but with purpose, he pushed himself upright, taking in the strange yet oddly familiar surroundings.   Before him stretched a vast expanse of sandy beach, kissed by the sea's lapping tongue. His memories were elusive, a haze that resisted his attempts to grasp them. He could discern that he must be somewhere close to Lannisport, only a short journey away by foot, or half the time on horseback.   The questions gnawed at him like hungry wolves. What had happened? Why was he here? He grasped at fragments of his journey to the Iron Isles: foreboding storm clouds, the anguished cries of men, and the deafening thunder of a ship's hull splintering. His memories danced like phantoms, slipping away into the distant west, their secrets locked away.   His gaze lowered to his own state—sodden and dirtied clothes, a glaring absence of possessions. Remarkably, his body seemed unscathed, pulsing with an unnatural vitality. Lord Racheval knew that, ultimately, that was all that mattered. He was alive, robust, and filled with renewed vigour.   "One-ryou-ken," he exhaled in relief, though the blade itself remained far from his reach. 'Onryouken,' his trusted longsword, awaited him at Casterly Rock, where he had reluctantly left it behind, anticipating only a diplomatic mission. The mere thought of losing it was a bitter pill to swallow.   Now, he had a destination and a mission—a path to follow. With confidence in his stride and unwavering determination in his eyes, Lord Racheval Serry marched purposefully towards Casterly Rock. He was ready to reclaim his sword, embark on this new chapter, and confront whatever mysteries lay ahead in this enigmatic world.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Banyani was ushered into the palace of Lorath. His younger sister Seresha was the first to greet him as he entered. Despite being half siblings the two were as close as a brother and sister could be. He was stout and had an olive complexion while she took more after their father being tall and lanky. The two also differed in their interest with him taking after his father's military exploits while she was more interested in being a scholar.   The palace was filled with the leading families of Lorath, it was clear what the purpose of the meeting was. A map of the City of Braavos was sprawled across the table.   "As you know the fall of Braavos has had a ripple effect. Not only has Essos witnessed the destruction of one of her greatest cities but the fall of the bastion of liberty. Without Braavos, slavers have grown in their boldness and will soon threaten our control over the Shivering Sea." his father paused his speech to take the reports he had arrived with.   "With the completion of these warships, Lorath has the strength to protect herself while also reviving her fallen sister. The longer we wait the more Braavos decays and the more expensive it will be to rebuild. I have provided the soldiers and ships, I need the great families of Lorath and Braavos to come together. Only through your joint investments will this project be possible." His father took a seat to allow the vote to take place. The vote was nearly unanimous; a few Lorathi families voiced their concerns about a revived Braavos. However many agreed with his father, how long could Lorath maintain its waters alone?   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Tom Costayne send out ravens of dues still owed for the tournament that I hosted and that mighty Oakheart won. Please do not forget to send your 500 entry fee gold so he might finally receive his purse. Failure to comply will bring shame upon your house and may lead to conflicts.   House Fossoway (Green) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Bowler
In the months since the parley and Bracken’s seizure of the throne, Lord Duncan Fossoway has turned his attention toward internal improvements. Side roads long neglected are smoothed over and small businesses are invested in to bolster. But, Dunk’s greatest focus lies in educating the youth of his lands, building schools for the smallfolk and hiring the finest tutors to help raise up the best and brightest among the lowest of society.   He eagerly meets with the tutors to go over their curriculum, to ensure that the smallfolk enrolled receive a broad-based education the envy of any lord. With the first class, Dunk looks on excitedly from the back of the single room schoolhouse. Though he has not announced it publicly, he has drafted his will to put his fortune toward establishing a local system of rule for his territories, governed by a body of smallfolk who excelled the most in their schooling in lieu of an heir. His heart fills with an optimism for the future—though they will still answer to King Vaegon, they can serve as a model for future reforms across Westeros. However, this final piece to Dunk’s plan for the future of his lands remains a secret to all but his closest advisors and his beloved brother, David. As the possibility of war looms on the horizon, what will become of Dunk’s vision for the smallfolk under him?   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
As a result of the tournament I learned a lot and will train harder now!

Trivia Q1

  Jack Handy
*** Okay here comes the first trivia question.. assuming the Army gifting Mod works, it will be worth 5k in soldiers.....***   Q. During the Century of Blood, what crime was King Yeric Dondarrion, the Storm King, accused of?   Fey
Slave trading?   Jack Handy
Correct House Florent . He was a slaver! 5000 armies to you next turn (assuming it works lol if not I'll have to figure out gold, which will take a lot longer)

Great Tournament of Ny Sar

  Free City of Ny Sar | KingEridani
A parcel containing dozens of copies of a letter in strange paper and smelling of honey and herbs finds its way to the various local post handlers of every major Westerosi port with a meaningful trading route into the Narrow Sea. The package is addressed to: "The Literate of Westeros," the parcels containing instructions to be split and an individual letter sent to the current acting governor of every holdfast therein. A few copies too make their way to important people in Esos by bribery or benefaction. The distribution thereafter depends on your Lord or Lady's disposition to its contents and local customs regarding foreign tidings.  
Peace is similar to evil, that is, its essence is a privation, an absence rather than a substance. Peace is merely a lack of war, like stillness of movement, dark of light. It is the nature of man to fill an absence. Do not bow before a peaceful man, but before a strong one. Tell each other and your ruler your desire that those who hold office must do so by strength, not title alone.   Your Lord, be they King or courtling, is offered this chance to prove their mettle. This letter, proof of your genuine Westerosi nobility, and to travel to our fair court is all one requires to take part in the Great Tournament Ny Sar. To win, and claim the glory and our wealth, will require much more. Neutral ground is offered. Contests of strength, daring, and determination will show the true character of who rules. The height of heights is a pinnacle, which must come to a single point, it is so too with the strongest. We hope to entertain you, your liege, and your servants, in the city of Sar seven moons hence at the new sun festival celebrating the turning to the year of the Ox.   I will be waiting,  
— Gul Dukat, Lord Ny Sar
  The letters are nearly identical, as if machined, but the script is far too cursive for the press the Citadel has been developing. The diction and tone are strange, written by a foreigner, and seemingly addressing no one in particular, or possibly many, at different times. A few cooks, butchers, and other smallfolk make note that while discarded as a letter, the paper makes a fine wrap for the curing of meats.   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
House Piper shall accept this challenge from the Lord of Ny Sar. My brother, a brawny yet slim man shall go in my stead for I am not one to directly participate in tourneys. House Piper will not be considered cowardly in the face of a challenge.

Trivia Q2

  Jack Handy
** Here comes another Trivia Question!! It will be worth 5,000 soldiers**   Q. What are the names of King Otho Bracken's two children?   ~TSK~ SteenB11
Alexander and Aegon. Alexander by Otho and Lady Smallwood and Aegon by Otho and Heleana   Jack Handy
Correct Magistrate Horro Mopatis!

Marriage Announcement of Mopatis and Stark

  Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
It is the honour of House Mopatis, the ruling family of the City of Pentos to announce the formal marriage between Prince Aelyx Mopatis "The Prince of Peril" and Princess Lyanna Stark in a formal union between the pair.   The two shall be wed in Pentos, after Aelyx has taken part in the Grand Melee of Summerhall.   This marriage sees the North join ties with the east in an arrangement to strengthen ties between the two sides who fought alongside one another in the recent wars.   The North Remembers that the Spider weaves the web.


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