Qarlon Jaqen Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Qarlon Jaqen

Magistrate of Lorath, Leader of the Unity Party, Key Holder of the Bank of Lorath Qarlon Jaqen, Dastardly Jaqen, Mad Jaq, Qarlon the Scholar


Qarlon is a tall and lanky man that is still spry on his feet despite his age. Qarlon has an olive skin not too dissimilar to that of the Salt Dornishmen. He has soft brown eyes and a well kept pointed beard that touches his chest. His once black hair has transitioned to snowy white. He is described to have a friendly face and a disarming demeanor. The scholar prefers simple yet vibrantly colored robes. His gnarled hands seem to be the only indication of his long sailing career.   Qarlon Jaqen has proven to be a charismatic man maintaining the coalition of rival parties in Lorath together. Jaqen's career as a scholar and writer have seen few doubt the man's intelligence. So far the only real complaint for his term has been his tendency to compromise between Lorathi and Braavosi interests. Serious issues will likely buble to the surface after his time in office.  


Restoration of his home city of Braavos.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family

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