Season 4, Turn 28 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 28

Days 16 - 30 of the Second Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

Fleet of Pentos Dispute, Continued

  House Swann | Kingdom of the Andals | PatMagroyn
She rounded the corner too fast, slamming her back against the bricks. She could hear a dozen footsteps not moments later come into earshot and leave just as quickly. All the same, she dared not breathe until the pain in her side made her elicit a cry.   She dropped to her knees, clutching it, feeling something wet the tips of her fingers, and seep down her waist. They had been so close. So close! Damn R’hllor!! Why-   She gasped as she realized an unlit torch was just a few steps away. Perched on the wall. Staring at her from the dark. She awkwardly fumbled in her pouch before finding the smooth surface she was looking for. The flints.   With all her strength, she pushed herself back up, weakly reaching toward the torch. The window was passing. Dukat’s legions were mostly through. Everyone else is dead. It was her duty alone. She felt her eyes well as she took the wood in her hand. She must not fail. She couldn’t.   Her hand left her side, steadying her body against the wall. Leaving a trail of sanguine as she retraced her steps toward it. The monsters of Ny Sar were complacent. Fat and happy off the horrors they wrought inside her homeland. She took the torch and began her way back. No need to hide. They likely already gave up their search-   Her mouth dropped, and knees nearly went out when she came upon the room minutes later. They had been this close. The boxes were left untouched. Not even covered. Obvious to anyone who came upon it. Just as they had all been told.   Dukat’s chaff really were an army only in name. They knew there was no resistance from Pentos. So what reason was there to look for it? She fumbled in her bag for the stones, immediately striking them several times as soon as they were in hand. She cursed every time they failed. Why? WHY?! To be so close, just to-   Light entered the room as the torch caught flame. The sickly green luminescence of the stockpile is evident now to anyone within sight. Once again…the greatest Prince that Pentos had ever known would save them. She steeled herself.   For her mother and father. For Groleo. For the Great ‘Banker’, Prince Horro. For her city, the noble Lady Pentos. She brought the torch nearer to the open faced crate.   “…for Pentos-“   In a flash, the Pentoshi agent disappeared along with several hundred men passing through the Gate of Prince's Flight. Resulting in one of the most significant turns of the war.
Ten years ago, Horro Mopatis had obtained a cache of wildfire for use in his daughter’s wedding. And an assassin came near close to killing everyone present with just one stolen flask of it. The power of the material became quite evident to him that day. The Battle of the Blackwater was not mere legend.   After the Horro Barricades were constructed, the magister’s evergrowing stockpile was placed in the basements of two gate towers. The two in the south, bordering Myr. As Horro expected the possible Myrish conflict that would ultimately fall upon them, and feared what would happen if these gates fell.   The Colossus refused this gambit, openly arguing with the Prince behind closed doors, confident they would never be needed. The Gates would never fall. And when the Colossus fell, it was far too late to use them. Any who knew of this last resort had no way of carrying it out as the Myrish poured through.   As the Karstark host stopped Gul Dukat of Ny Sar however, Ellyria saw the opportunity. She held no such reservations for preserving her father’s works. When Dukat made it clear he would leave Pentoshi lands through the south, fearing open battle with the Northmen, it was clear this was the time.   A handful of Pentoshi patriots, hand chosen to infiltrate the occupied walls, carried out the plan. The resulting blast collapsed the supports for the gates at Prince’s Flight. Tumbling its stone towers and walls, killing several hundred men passing under them.   In the aftermath, loose footing and falling rocks from the Horro Barricades claimed a hundred more. But what claimed thousands of lives however, was in all the chaos that followed. Imagine hearing roaring thunder despite a clear blue sky. Seeing an enormous cloud of green smoke suddenly accompany it, consuming everything in its wake. In every mind that saw it…the Doom of Volantis had now arrived in Pentos.   The crush claimed more lives than the actual event. Men screamed, climbed over one another, clawing at each other's throats to get out from their tight formations. Those who were weak fell, those slow trampled under foot. Captains killed when they tried to hold order and stop them. Thousands of men scattered just as fast as they had assembled in Ny Sar.   What truly destroyed Gul Dukat’s army however was his own designs. Tens of thousands of men were left adrift in the aftermath without direction. Ny Sar had lands salted and scourged as they passed through Pentos. And those yet to pass through the gates, trapped within Pentos’ lands, starved or surrendered to the Karstarks due to this.   Those who had already made it out returned to their true nature without his direct orders. They were from Ny Sar. They were brutal cutthroats, who lived for greed and glory. Supply vans were looted. Old grudges rekindled. Units fell upon themselves between those who wished for order and those for lawlessness.   Though it had once been 50 strong...the host of Gul Dukat had practically for all intents and purposes…vanished from the war front.

A New Conquest for the Andals, Continued

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~Prince Alexander Bracken sends out ravens informing the Lords and Ladies of the Seven Kingdoms where they will take Lordship over in the Stepstones  
  • Queen Helaena ~ New Tide
  • King Otho ~ Bloodstone
  • Lord David the Red ~ Corlysia
  • Lord Harlan Uller ~ Silver Haven
  ~The remaining isles will be declared in short time.   Hail to King Otho and Praise be to the Seven
— Alexander Bracken

~With the Stepstones secure thanks to Lord David Corlysia and Lord Harlan Stepstones Waterways in command now, Alexander set sail with his fleet for Essosi Narrow Sea with plans to continue towards Bay of Pentos
The following RP is from both Jack Handy and Koen27 as Prince Alexander Bracken and Aegar Targaryen, respectively.   In the dimly lit bathhouse of the Magistrate Horro Mopatis' Palace in Pentos, the air was thick with steam, shrouding the grandeur of the marble walls in an ethereal mist. Aegar Targaryen, draped in a silk robe from Myr, savored the rare tranquility of the late hour, seeking solace from the distant echoes of war.   As he settled into the warmth of the bath, a sense of calm washed over him, momentarily banishing the weight of his troubled thoughts. Yet, the serenity was shattered by a sudden disturbance from across the steam room. Alert, Aegar called out, expecting a familiar presence, but the response he received was unexpected.   Through the swirling mist emerged the unmistakable voice of Alexander Bracken, a figure both intriguing and unsettling in the flickering torchlight. Aegar's guard rose as Alexander's words carried a subtle undertone of intrigue and veiled threat.   Before Aegar could fully grasp the situation, four masked figures materialized from the shadows, their menacing presence accentuated by the glint of daggers and the ominous silhouette of a crossbow. The realization dawned upon Aegar that he was not alone, and the encounter took a perilous turn.   In the tense exchange that followed, Alexander revealed the unsettling truth of his infiltration, weaving a narrative of cunning and opportunism amidst the chaos of war. Loyalties, it seemed, were but fleeting shadows in the ever-shifting landscape of conflict.   As the torchlight cast flickering shadows upon their faces, Aegar and Alexander stood at the precipice of uncertainty, their paths converging in a moment fraught with intrigue and danger.   Aegar: "Alexander, what is the meaning of this intrusion?" Aegar demanded, his voice tinged with a mixture of concern and defiance.   Alexander: "Ah, Prince Aegar, always so perceptive," Alexander replied, his tone dripping with sardonic amusement. "But in times of war, one must learn to navigate the shadows, wouldn't you agree?"   Aegar's gaze hardened, his suspicions deepening. Aegar: "And what role do you play in these shadows, Alexander? Are you friend or foe?"   A cold smile played upon Alexander's lips as he leaned forward, his gaze unwavering.   Alexander: "In times of war, Aegar, alliances are as fickle as the wind. But rest assured, I am here to offer you an opportunity—a chance to forge a new path amidst this chaos."   Aegar, in an alert state, moves to the far end of the room. Recognizing his compromised position he changed to a more friendly tone.   Aegar: "An opportunity you say. You shouldn't have to put on a show of force to tell me what I can and cannot do. My father has been slain by your father and I'm an outlaw forced to live out my life in exile."   He realized his tone had gotten harsher again as he got more emotional.   Aegar: "I may never see my home and family again. I don't even know where they are now... if they are well."   Now his tone turned soft again. Obviously moved by reminding himself of his home and his family.   His gaze now crosses with that of Alexander. As if awoken from a serious daydream he looks Alexander straight into the eyes.   Aegar: "Tell me, why are you here"   Alexander, unflinching under Aegar's scrutiny, acknowledged the tragic web of their shared history with a sincerity that surprised even himself.   Alexander: "Your father's death was a matter of honor, settled by the blade of Blackfyre in fair combat. His body was returned to Summerhall, to your mother, with all the respect due to him. When I arrived at Summerhall with my forces, it was not as a conqueror but as one seeking reconciliation. Your mother's surrender was accepted with grace, and no blood was shed unnecessarily."   He paused, the weight of his next words grounding him.   Alexander: "I, too, have known loss. My uncle fell in battle in the Stepstones, a casualty of the relentless dance of power and revenge. Our families are entwined in a legacy of blood and sorrow, but I am here because I wish to mend the fractures that history has wrought upon us."   Alexander's gaze met Aegar's, a mirror of the resolve and pain reflected in the other's eyes. "However, any hope of true reconciliation lies beyond the reign of my father, King Otho. The wounds between our houses run deep, carved by the swords of our forebears. I seek to heal them, but as long as my father lives, and long he surely will, the shadow of our past will loom large over any peace we might achieve."   The charged atmosphere between Aegar and Alexander lingered, a testament to the complex interweaving of their families' histories and destinies. Alexander's forthrightness, a blend of solemnity and sincerity, seemed to carve out a space for honest dialogue amidst the tension. But then, shifting the focus from their fraught legacies to more immediate concerns, Alexander posed a question that cut through the steamy air with the precision of a blade.   "You have a question?" Alexander said. "How did I bypass your guards, you wonder?"   He let the question hang for a moment, allowing its implications to sink in.   "It was not through magic or might, but through the desperation of a man facing the ruin of his name and the loss of all he holds dear." Alexander's gaze held Aegar's, ensuring the gravity of his words was fully understood. "A Pentosi commander, fearing the aftermath of his failure in the ongoing conflict with Myr, became the key to my entrance. His dread of being tried and executed for his military blunders, and the subsequent disgrace and impoverishment of his family, made him susceptible to an offer from my spies."   Alexander continued, "We promised his family a safe and a new life in Westeros, away from the chaos of war and the vindictive justice of Essos. In return, he facilitated my access to this very palace, ensuring the guards would be absent from your wing tonight."   He let the revelation sink in, watching as the implications dawned upon Aegar. "This should serve as a stark reminder, Aegar. The ground you walk upon in Essos is more treacherous than you might have imagined. Even men of Horro Mopatis' stature and power cannot fully shield you from betrayal. Trust is a luxury few can afford in times of war, and alliances shift as quickly as the sands."   Aegar: "I may have been naive before. Running away from Westeros has saved me much pain, but I will regret it for the rest of my life."   He pauses a moment, overthinking the possibilities of Alexander's intentions.   "Your words sound true and honest. I trust you come without ill intent, for if you wanted to harm me you already would have."   He looks around the room, as if searching for words to find, hiding within the steam as an allure of mystery. He stares at the wall as if half in thought talking to himself.   "So that is why you are not here. I think I have that figured out. You're not simply here to lecture me on my potentially dangerous life decisions, correct me if I'm wrong... Which raises the question." Aegar now looks directly at Alexander again.   "What brings you this far off course, and what is it you want of me"   Alexander, seizing the moment for honesty, delved into the story of Darran Qadhar's betrayal and the plot against Aegar. "A week prior, an attempt was made on your life. A plot to kill you and take your Valyrian steel sword, now known as Summer. This plot was orchestrated by Darran Qadhar, a disgruntled former lover of Alyssa Santigar, who I know is early with child, from what the healers in the city say and a member of the Windblown, in league with a wealthy magistrate desiring your sword.... Truth is Darran is no more, an offering to the sea gods."   Alexander continued, "Your life, as long as you breathe, represents hope for those loyal to your father. Eliminating you would ease tensions for the Iron Throne, but I refuse to rule through such means."   The mention of Alyssa Santigar and their unborn child being targets in Darran's scheme drew a sharp, emotional response from Aegar. He stood abruptly, a mix of fear and concern etching his features, only to be calmed by Alexander's composed insistence.   "Remain seated, Aegar, as I am," Alexander said calmly, a command that saw Aegar slowly retake his seat, though his worry for Alyssa remained palpable.   Alexander assured him, "Lady Santigar is alive and well, and in fact, she is here."   At that signal, one of Alexander's men exited and returned shortly with Alyssa. The moment their eyes met, Aegar and Alyssa rushed towards each other, their embrace a silent testament to their enduring bond, witnessed by Alexander and those present.   Aegar asked if she was okay and if Alexander harmed her, to which she told him she was fine and unharmed.   With the room still enveloped in the warmth of the reunion, Alexander prepared to unveil yet another piece of the puzzle. "I have one more thing for you," he announced, leaving a trail of anticipation hanging in the air.   *** Context ***
Darran Qadhar, once a highborn Valyrian from Volantis and a member of the Windblown, found his life entwined with that of Alyssa Santigar, a woman of formidable command within the same sellsword company. Their love story, however, turned into a tale of jealousy and betrayal. When Aegar arrived in Essos and caught Alyssa's eye, their affection blossomed into love, leading to a pregnancy that only deepened their bond. Darran, unable to accept his loss, challenged Aegar to a duel of first blood over Alyssa's heart—a duel Aegar won, sealing his relationship with Alyssa but igniting Darran's thirst for revenge.   Darran's plot was as cruel as it was intricate. After being spurned by Alyssa and beaten by Aegar, he was approached by a wealthy Essosi magistrate with a vendetta against the Targaryens and a desire to possess the mythical allure of Valyrian steel. Together, they conspired to ambush Aegar, aiming to not only kill him and claim his prized sword, Summer, but also to eliminate Alyssa and their unborn child, erasing any trace of Aegar's lineage and love from the world.
***   As Aegar and Alyssa embraced, the tension in the room eased, replaced by a palpable sense of relief and reunion. Yet, amidst the warmth of their embrace, another figure emerged from the shadows, her presence suffused with a mixture of longing and sorrow.   Arwyn Oakheart, once Queen of Summerhall, now Lady of Old Oak, stepped into the room, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as they fell upon her long-lost son. Time had etched lines of grief and resilience upon her face, a testament to the trials she had endured since the tumult of war tore her family asunder.   As Aegar turned to face her, a wave of emotions crashed over Arwyn, threatening to drown her in a sea of memories and regrets. Her heart, heavy with the weight of a mother's love and loss, overflowed with a torrent of emotions too long suppressed.   Alexander, ever the orchestrator of fate, had convinced Arwyn to venture to Essos in secret, promising her a chance to reunite with her son—a flicker of hope amidst the shadows of uncertainty. And now, as she stood before Aegar, her resolve wavered, giving way to a flood of tears that spoke volumes of the pain she had carried in silence for so long.   Aegar, his own emotions raw and unguarded, crossed the room in swift strides, closing the distance between them in an instant. With trembling hands, he reached out to his mother, pulling her into a tender embrace that bridged the chasm of years apart.   In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the echoes of their shared grief mingling with the whispered promises of reconciliation and renewal. Arwyn clung to her son, her tears mingling with his as they found solace in each other's arms, the wounds of the past slowly beginning to heal in the embrace of familial love.   For Arwyn, the journey to Essos had been one of heartache and uncertainty, but in this moment, as she held her son close, she knew that every trial and tribulation had been worth it. Together, they stood as testament to the enduring strength of love and resilience, ready to face whatever trials the future may hold, united in their bond as mother and son.   "We will step outside so you three may talk," Alexander told Aegar, looking him in the eye as he crossed the room.   Their embrace seemed to last for ages, and for the first time in years, Aegar wept. The loss of his father had cut deeply into his soul. The feeling of betrayal after running away from Summerhall, no matter how good his intentions were, no matter how ready he thought he was to take care of himself. The guilt that pierces his heart for leaving his family behind in their time of need. There are no words that can describe it.   "I am sorry, mother" a soft and almost childlike voice sounded through the room.   Alysse watched mother and son reunite. She had known Aegar as an affectionate character, but he never showed his emotions like this. There was always a shield, keeping Aegar's emotions to himself, and him alone. Especially seeing Aegar express emotions of grief and regret were new to Alysse.   Arwyn, about the same size as her son, held his head in her hands. "You've done no wrong. My boy..." She embraced him again, holding his head tight against her shoulder. "It's not your fault"   She sniffs, holding back her tears from flowing. She had learned to stay strong for the past few months.   Arwyn holds Aegar's two shoulders, taking a look at her son. "Last time I saw you you were only a boy. I see your journey has made you into a man."   Looking at her son reminded her of her time with Vaegon, when they were still kids, when they did not have to worry about all the dangers of this world. Life was simpler back then.   Her eyes turned to Alysse standing behind Aegar, and she looked at Aegar with a smile. "I see you've found happiness here... For that I am glad."   Aegar had found his strength back and wiped away his tears, revealing a smile of happiness upon hearing the words of his mother.   8 Hours Earlier   Alexander: Under the cloak of night, Alexander Bracken orchestrated a daring maneuver, slipping away from his fleet with only his most trusted companions in tow. With the stealth and precision honed through years of strategic planning and clandestine operations, they navigated the labyrinthine waterways and shadowed alleys of Pentos, their movements shrouded in darkness and secrecy.   Guided by their spy contact, a figure veiled in mystery and whispered secrets, they traversed the city's intricate network of tunnels and hidden passages, avoiding the prying eyes of those who would seek to thwart their mission. With each step, the tension in the air grew palpable, a silent testament to the gravity of their endeavor and the risks they faced.   As they neared their destination, the imposing silhouette of the palace loomed before them, its towering walls a formidable barrier between them and their objective. Yet, undeterred by the daunting task ahead, Alexander and his companions pressed onward, their resolve unwavering in the face of adversity.   With the assistance of their spy contact, they confirmed that the palace guards had been temporarily diverted, their absence providing a fleeting window of opportunity. Seizing the moment, Alexander and his small band of allies slipped through the shadows, their movements swift and silent as they made their clandestine approach to the palace.   Inside the palace walls, the air was thick with anticipation, every heartbeat a drumming rhythm of anticipation and apprehension. With Arwyn at his side, her presence a silent reassurance amidst the uncertainty, Alexander led the way, his senses keenly attuned to the task at hand.   Their footsteps echoing softly against the marble floors, they moved with practiced stealth, navigating the maze-like corridors and hidden alcoves of the palace with a precision born of necessity. Every corner turned, every door opened, brought them closer to their elusive quarry, their determination unwavering in the face of the unknown.   Finally, they reached their destination, the moment of truth hanging in the air like a lingering whisper. With a silent signal, Alexander and his companions breached the sanctity of the palace, their presence a ghostly apparition in the moonlit halls.   Alexander: After the emotional surge of the reunion ebbed, Alexander's presence once again commanded attention, his demeanor shifting to convey the urgency and gravity of the situation before them. Alexander's figure was tall and lean, especially compared to Aegar, who was shorter but stronger. He acknowledged the joy of their meeting with a nod, his expression softening for a moment in recognition of the weight of this family moment. Yet, as he began to speak, a palpable sense of solemnity filled the air, his words carefully chosen to bridge the realms of heartfelt reunion and the stark realities that lay beyond the walls of their current sanctuary.   As he reached the family, Alexander slightly bowed to both the women in Aegar's life, "Lady Santigar, Lady Oakheart."   He then turned to Aegar, "Time is of the essence, as we must be gone before the first Sun," Alexander intoned, his voice a blend of apology and command, an echo of the responsibility he bore. The plan he laid out for Arwyn and Alyssa was a testament to his foresight and care, a protective measure against the unpredictable tides of their current world. Alexander would ensure their safe passage to Oldtown and subsequently to Old Oak. His arrangements were meticulous, designed to shield Alyssa in her vulnerable state and provide sanctuary for Arwyn. His concern for their wellbeing was evident, marking him as a man of both action and empathy.   Turning his attention to Aegar, Alexander's demeanor shifted, adopting a gravitas that filled the room. The choice he presented was devoid of any illusion, a stark contrast to the fleeting peace they had momentarily enjoyed. He painted a vivid picture of Essos, not as a land of exile but as a crucible of perils, a place where the fabric of society was woven with threads of danger and betrayal.   "Essos," he began, his voice carrying the weight of untold stories, "is a land where the gods turn their gaze away, a sprawling expanse where the sun scorches not just the earth but the very soul of man. It is a place of shifting sands and shifting allegiances, where life is as cheap as the coin that can end it. Here, the air you breathe is thick with the scent of betrayal, and the waters you drink are tainted with the poison of ambition. Have you heard of the horrors from Volantis? The Doom there was said to swallow the Great City whole, within a bath of fire and brimstone."   Alexander's words painted a tapestry of a land devoid of mercy, a realm where the specter of death was a constant companion, lurking in the shadows of grand cities and desolate wastes alike. "It is a godless wasteland," he continued, "where every smile hides a dagger, and every handshake is a prelude to a backstab. In Essos, honor is a currency that no one accepts, and trust is a luxury that no one can afford."   He looked directly at Aegar, his gaze unflinching, as he laid bare the reality of the choice before him. "This is the land that now claims you, Aegar. A land where every day is a gamble with fate, and every night brings dreams haunted by the specters of what and who you've lost."   "Now, what do you want to do, Aegar?" Alexander's question cut through the air, a challenge and an invitation all at once. "Essos is a chalice filled with the bitter wine of survival, but in Westeros, your name, your legacy, they still mean something. You stand on the precipice of choice, between a land that will consume your soul and a home that, despite its own shadows, offers a chance at redemption, at reclaiming your honor and your place."   "But you must tell me now, and you must be prepared to leave, now, at once with your family. But remember, what I ask will be loyalty and honor from you as you return to my Kingdom, as I believe I have shown you the same here tonight,", something he concluded, his voice a solemn promise that the path back to Westeros was fraught with its own dangers but offered a glimmer of hope, a beacon in the relentless darkness that was Essos.   "Know that if you decline this offer, it will not come again my Prince, as fate rarely strikes twice. Your mother and wife would still come with me to be safe, as Lady Arwyn has requested this, to keep your grandchild safe."   In this moment, Alexander Bracken offered not just a choice but a lifeline, stretching across the seas from the harsh, sun-scorched lands of exile back to the green, albeit troubled, shores of home. The decision lay heavy in the air, a crossroads not just of paths but of destinies, weaving the fate of a family back into the fabric of a realm that had seen too much division. The question now was whether Aegar would reach out to grasp that lifeline, to face the uncertainties of a return with the hope of restoring what was lost, or remain in the merciless embrace of Essos, a land that promised only more shadows and strife.   "I'M NOT LEAVING MY HOME" Alysse said with a serious tone.   "Lady Ellyria has taken good care of us hasn't she? Pentos will not fall!"   Aegar looked at Alysse worryingly, but he understood why she wanted to stay. She had lived her entire life in Essos, and dedicated her whole life to fighting for it, and most of it for the freedom of Pentos.   "I will not force you to come with me, Alysse. But I have to do this. I have to go home. But that does not mean I won't return."   Aegar spoke with a soft voice, hoping Alysse would understand his decision.   "Alexander is offering me my life back. My honor. A chance to regain my home. Summerhall has always been my home. And all without spilling one single drop of blood. No one will have to get hurt anymore." He paused for a moment, thinking about his time back home when he was still a kid without worries.   "I need to see my sister" He added to his reasonings, looking back at his mother, who smiled at him.   "Sisters, you have a healthy baby sister, Aegar". Aegar looked in disbelief, but also with hope and joy in his eyes.   "I have to go see her. I have to go see them... I have to go."   Alysse only nodded as she understood the dilemma Aegar had found himself in.   Alexander: Alexander, stunned not only that Alysse refused to go but also that Aegar may leave her, he decided to try his best to convince her to leave.   "Your safety and that of your child are paramount, Alysse," Alexander interjected, his voice carrying a gentle yet firm tone as he addressed her concerns. "While Pentos has been a bastion of strength for you, the winds of war can be unpredictable, and the fate of House Swann hangs precariously in the balance."   He approached her with a reassuring presence, his gaze meeting hers with understanding and empathy. "Ellyria Swann has indeed provided sanctuary, but the tides of conflict are shifting, and the safety of Pentos may not endure the storm that looms on the horizon."   "Come with us," Alexander continued, his words a gentle plea borne of genuine concern. "Together, we can ensure the safety of both you and your unborn child. Westeros may hold uncertainties, but it also offers the protection of your new Targaryen heritage and the strength of allies who will stand by your side."   Alysse: "You are from The Riverlands, am I correct?"   Alexander nods. "Then you should know what it's like to fight for the freedom of your own lands. As I must stay to do the same. You should not worry about the child, truly. I am sure you have many more important matters at hand, as the crown prince of Westeros, you should always watch your back, especially in Essos. Whereas me, I'm just a woman making my living through warfare. And I don't intend to change my mind on that for now."   "Before we depart, there is one final matter that must be addressed," Alexander began, his voice steady and resolute as he turned to face Aegar once more. "In the presence of your mother, Lady Arwyn, and under the watchful gaze of both the New and Old Gods, I ask that you make a solemn pledge."   His words carried the weight of tradition and honor, the gravity of the moment palpable in the air around them. "Bend the knee and pledge your fealty to House Bracken," Alexander continued, his gaze unwavering as he laid out the terms of their agreement. "Support me as your future king, and in return, I vow to keep you safe and ensure the well-being of Lady Alysse and your unborn child."   There was a solemnity in his tone, a recognition of the significance of the oath they were about to undertake. "When the time comes for me to ascend the throne," Alexander promised, his words imbued with a sense of determination and purpose, "you will be welcomed back into Westeros with all the honors and titles befitting your station. Summerhall will be restored to you, and your rightful place among the noble houses of the realm will be secured.... So what say you, Prince Aegar?"   As the weight of the moment settled upon him, Aegar felt a surge of conflicting emotions wash over him. The echoes of his father's legacy, the burden of his own pride, and the stark reality of the choice before him intertwined in a tumultuous whirlwind of doubt and determination.   With a steadying breath, he cast aside his doubts and fears, drawing strength from the unwavering support of his mother and the solemn assurance of Alexander's oath. Dropping to one knee, he bowed his head in a gesture of submission and reverence, his heart heavy with the weight of the pledge he was about to make.   "I pledge my life and loyalty to you, Alexander of House Bracken," Aegar declared, his voice carrying the weight of his solemn oath. "May the gods bear witness to my words, as I bend the knee and swear to uphold my duty with honor and integrity."   Alexander's hand, slender and rough but reassuring at the same time, descended upon Aegar's head, a symbol of the bond they were forging in that sacred moment. With a simple yet profound gesture, he granted Aegar his blessing, bestowing upon him a new title and a renewed sense of purpose.   "Now rise, Aegar the Younger," Alexander proclaimed, his voice resonating with authority and conviction. "Son of Vaegon Targaryen, Grandson of Aegar the Elder, and the Blood of Old Valyria. Rise, Dragonlord, and embrace the path that lies before you."   With Alexander's words ringing in his ears, Aegar lifted his head, a sense of clarity and determination settling over him like a comforting mantle.
Ten years before the daring escape through the underbelly of Pentos, Horro Mopatis invested a vast portion of his wealth into an extensive overhaul of the city's sewage system. This project was lauded by the city's Magistrates, heralding a significant leap forward in public health and the quality of life for its citizens. Unbeknownst to many, however, Horro had an ulterior motive; he integrated a network of hidden tunnels within the new system, creating a clandestine escape route for his family should they ever need it.   In the present, their journey began with a tense departure from the bathhouse. Navigating the shadowed alleys of Pentos under the cloak of night, the group was nearly exposed when a patrol, perhaps returning from a routine sweep, turned the corner ahead of them. Quick thinking and the cover of darkness allowed them to press back into the recesses of a narrow passage, hearts pounding as the soldiers passed unknowingly by.   However, the appearance of unfamiliar guards on patrol, ostensibly under the command of Princess Mopatis, raised a sudden specter of betrayal.   In the dim light of the tunnels, suspicion took form. Ser Jon the Smiling Knight, ever vigilant, seized the spy in a grip as inescapable as fate, his question a whisper that cut through the darkness. The spy, faced with the immediate prospect of death or cooperation, revealed his ignorance of the new guards, claiming they were a recent addition by Princess Mopatis. This moment of truth, under the weight of Jon's unyielding gaze, was enough to convince Alexander and Jon to spare him. His knowledge of the tunnels, now a lifeline, granted him a temporary reprieve.   Finally emerging at the sea just as dawn began to break, the group paused to catch their breath, the early morning sun casting a soft glow over the water. It was here that Alexander outlined their next moves. He explained to Aegar and Lady Oakheart that they would part ways: mother and son were to head south to Lys, under the protection of House Rogare, allies of Alexander, Lady Oakheart would then sail for Oldtown. Meanwhile, Alexander himself would set his course for King's Landing.   Before departing, Alexander handed Aegar an unsealed letter, adorned with the sigil of Vaegon Targaryen. This letter, recovered from Vaegon's body by Otho Bracken after their fatal duel, had been kept by Alexander until this moment. Inside, Aegar found his father's ring, a symbol of his legacy and a reminder of his love. The accompanying note was poignant in its simplicity, urging Aegar to cherish and protect what truly matters in life: love.   As Aegar's boat faded into the morning fog, bound for Lys, Ser Jon the Smiling Knight turned to Alexander, receiving a nod of approval. Without hesitation, Jon executed the Pentosi spy, ensuring the secrecy of their escape and the safety of their mission. In the quiet aftermath, as the sun rose higher, Alexander contemplated the journey ahead, both his and Aegar's, each set on a path fraught with uncertainty but driven by a deeper purpose.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Sallos Dynar found it ironic that of all the senator's he was selected to meet with Prince Alexander. It was only 2 days after he gave a speech denouncing the invasion of the Stepstones that Magister asked him to lead a delegation to King's Landing. Despite his dislike of the Andals he understood the importance of the diplomatic mission. Westeros had seemingly turned its eyes eastward and avoiding its gaze was crucial for the Republic's survival.   Sallos also recognized it would have been foolish to reject the opportunity. The Unity Party had revitalized Lorath and the Leviathan's had developed the military. His Whale Party had yet to make any major accomplishments. They couldn't expect new senators to join them or the people to vote for them.   Sallos intended to rectify the situation by taking on the immigration crisis. He had arrived in Blackwater Bay with a large portion of the Dynar Merchant Fleet. If he could purchase the necessary goods to ease the crisis it could change the fortunes of his party.

Bringing the Faith to Savages, Continued

  High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
"Hear me out, respectable people of the faith," Ser Alastair announces with pride. "It is our honor today to announce a new project, to spread the teachings of the faith across the lands, even in the hearts of former sinners and unbelievers." His voice carries a sense of reverence and determination. "The Frostfang Clan has expressed their interest in embracing the teachings of the faith, seeking the right path for their redemption. In response, we will build a Sept to serve as a beacon of knowledge and morality, a bastion of sanctity and progress."   Ser Alastair continues, "The young but motivated Septa Maria Mayer will lead this noble endeavor, guiding us toward the realization of our shared vision." His words are met with nods of approval from the assembled crowd. "We shall begin our mission by conducting a proper ceremony, marking the dawn of this newfound aspiration."   "Shall the Seven watch over us and light our path"   Septon Alastair
Report Date
08 Mar 2024


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