Avandra Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Avandra is known as the goddess of change and luck, often worshipped or at least respected by those crazy enough to gamble at every turn in their life. To the party's knowledge, Pari is somewhat loosely tied to Avandra religiously, similar to the way she is to Andora, but to what degree is unknown. Outside of that, the Menagerie has had no known interactions, sightings, or experiences with this goddess, but if we ever do, it would likely be a positive one.   The party, outside of maybe Pari, know nothing about the history of this goddess, her origin story or any major roles she may have played in the past events of Melora. The religious symbol used by worshippers and followers of Avandra is typically depicted as stack of 3 wavy lines.

Potential Aliases

"The Changebringer"
"The Changebearer"
"She Who Makes the Path"


Chaotic Good
Known Followers
Known Places of Worship


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