Lolth Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Lolth is the goddess of spiders, lies, and forbidden knowledge. She is pretty well-known for not being a big fan of Ioun either, considering they are the 2 goddesses of knowledge. The party has interacted with many followers of Lolth and Milo has even had some direct interactions with her as well. While in the city of Llurth Drier, the party investigated the Church of Lolth where both Cain and Milo entered confession booths. It was there that Cain and Milo in exchange for secrets they shared with Lolth were granted their requests. Cain's request was unexpected, but it seems Lolth knew Milo would be arriving.   Cain was granted a temporary understanding of the language of Undercommon in exchnage for the secrets of Famel and the vampire infestation there. Meanwhile Milo exchanged a dark secret from his past involving torture in order to transcribe additional details with regards to blood magic, hemovocation, and other evocation off-branches, which he used to further his understanding of the field. This event also marked the first time Milo was officially affiliated with the Church of Lolth.   Outside of that many of the drow, including one named Solzyr, that the party interacted with in Llurth Drier were followers of Lolth, which is a place that is well-known for worshipping her.   As far as historical accounts are concerned, Lolth is not known to be important to any of them currently; although she likely played an important role at some point in the history of early elves, especially drow. Those that worship and follow Lolth can usually be seen wearing something depicting an eight-pointed star with web-like features, not to be confused with the religious symbol of Corellon.

Potential Aliases

"Queen of Darkness"
"The Lady of Shadows"
"Weaver of Webs"


Chaotic Evil
Known Followers
Milomo Plumecrest
Known Places of Worship
Church of Lolth in Llurth Drier


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