Astar Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Astar was a male copper-colored dragonborn of an unknown age at the time of his death. Astar was a follower and paladin of Tiamat who fought against the Menagerie and with the Shadow's Edge. Our fist encounters with Astar happened shortly before the breach of The Hole. We found Astar with the other members of the Shadow's Edge wearing a symbol of Bahamut with the dragon's head turned the incorrect way, which we later found to be a holy symbol of Tiamat, mocking the followers of Bahamut.   Following the fight between the Menagerie of Chaos and the Shadow's Edge in The Hole, Astar was captured and Arahbo confiscated his hammer. From there, the party brought him back to question him in Thaneas where we learned he was more or less an assistant to the Shadow's Edge and less so clued in on the details than the other members were. He filled a similar role to that of what Daniel does for the Menagerie.   We also learn from him that the residence of the Shadow's Edge was one that received lots of letters. He then went on to also tell us that certain letters he was forbidden to open. He described them as having the symbol for the House of the Arcane, but with the addition of the symbol for the school of necromancy scribed in a red substance which we believe to likely be blood. Shortly after learning this, we handed Astar off to Daniel, as we had promised to hand over the follower of Tiamat once we were done with him. On the spot, right in front of the entire party, we watched Daniel kill Astar.

Character Information

Physical Description
Male copper dragonborn of an unknown age adroning a symbol representative of Tiamat, whcih mocked Bahamut (Deceased)
Place of Residence
In or Close to Thaneas
Ocassionally, potentially Valencia
Organizational Affiliations
Shadow's Edge
Follower of Tiamat
Known Relations
Suspected Class Information
Mid-to-High Level Paladin
Known Weaknesses
The wrath and hatred of Daniel


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