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Written by starzomskiwrites

The difference between Seelie and Unseelie is very simple, really: One will stab you in the back, the other will stab you outright.
— Edric Garswood, planar scholar

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The main location of the Fey is within the Feywild . It is a magical realm, full of glamour and mischief, and its inhabitants reflect that. Fey are very attuned to their environment, so much so that their bodies alter depending on the season in which they reside.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fey feed on memories. It is their primary source of barter, trading memories for goods and services. They are a curious, mischevious folk, and seek to learn more about everyone they meet. So they trade memories, sacred or not, to learn these things. The memories of past friends or lovers, of names and titles, of anything really.

Additional Information

Social Structure

All Fey are led by a court of the four most powerful and oldest Fey: The Archfey. These Archfey each represent a season, and spread their eminence throughout the Feywild. They are as follows: Oberon, the Wolf of Summer, Titania, the Heart of Spring, the Queen of Air and Darkness, and the Withering Knight. Together, though they may disagree on some matters, they know that each other must remain, so they rule in tentative peace and unity. Beyond that, the social structure of each Season depends on the will of its Archfey.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Fey are found all throughout the Feywild, and in some pockets of the Material Plane and select other planes. When found in the Feywild, different types of Fey are found in the different seasonal spaces, adapted to their Seelie or Unseelie environment.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The main language of the Fey is Sylvan, a language of beautiful flowing sounds. Other than that, many Fey also speak other languages such as Elven or Common, to communicate with others in the Material Plane.

Common Etiquette Rules

There are four large rules that all Fey follow, upheld by the magical laws of the Feywild itself, and they are as follows:
  1. Tell No Lies: Be vague, avoid absolutes and clear answers, use poetic language, dodge questions, respond in questions, give irrelevant information, and so on. You can answer plainly only by the rule of three (one must ask three times if one wants something explicitly from a Fey.)
  2. Break No Oath: Any oath, contract, promise, or bargain made is magically binding. Only if both parties fulfil their end of the bargain or mutually and freely agree to terminate the contract can it be ended. Oathbreakers will lose something of equal value, or be placed under the control of the claimant for some time.
  3. A Gift for a Gift: Accepting a gift binds you to give back, and the reverse is also true. The value doesn't matter, only the intentions. If you don't give something back and are unwilling to do so in the future, this is considered breaking an oath, with all the consequences thereof. This is why one should never accept food or drink offered by a Fey.
  4. The Law of Names: Knowing someone's true name gives you power over them. This is especially true in the Feywild, where everything is magic and words grant thoughts power. One way of defeating a powerful Fey is to learn its true name and speak it. They will then be bound to either serve you or relinquish their powers.
Genetic Descendants
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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