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The Esotar Academy

Education Timeline

The average student remains in the school for six years, expecting to be about 6th level by that year. Some students stay for another four years after that, becoming Master students, and expecting to achieve about 10th level. Some master students stay for even longer than that, expecting to achieve 14th level and become Educators of the school. At the beginning of their second year, students are expected to choose the school of magic they specialize in for the remainder of their Academy life.

Purpose / Function

The Esotar Academy is the primary source of magic education on the continent of Enethor. It is principalled by an ancient Sphinx named Seleteia, and below her a council of seven wizards, one mastering each school of magic known to the Enethori. Many aspiring wizards apply to this school, some hoping to learn the secrets of the arcane harnessed by the ancient sphinxes of yore, others to bend the Weave to their own whims.


The Academy is constructed mostly from white stone, with red-shingled rooves. It is a very victorian building, with lots of tall towers and large windows, with long buildings between them. There is specific architecture within the various parts of the campus that vary between the different buildings that teach different schools.


The main defense of the Academy are the wizards themselves. Seleteia and the Council are the strongest, followed by Educators, and some students will assist as well. The mass of powerful wizards is a strong deterrent from being attacked, and they provide a strong defense to the Aesalatus Dominion in combination with the Dragonsguard.
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