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The Aesalatus Dominion

The heart of civilization on the continent of Enethor.

Written by starzomskiwrites


The Dominion is run by a council of five Metallic Dragons, called the "Founders," that each hold dominion over one of the five major provinces, with their seats of power in the capital cities. They usually keep to themselves, maintaining their provinces under their own ends, while still maintaining a very stable peace between their five nations, as well as with a few exterior governments.


The Dominion is very multicultural, acting almost as a cauldron for all kinds of spiritual and cultural beliefs from many different races that call its cities home. The dominant cultures are that of the Humans and High Elves, who promote ideals of progress, innovation, and education. It also proudly displays the culture of the Tabaxi and Leonin, who promote ideals of knowledge, curiosity, and exploration. Beyond that, many other cultures are accepeted and respected within the Dominion's borders.


For a detailed account of the history of the Dominion, see the following timeline: History of the Dominion.

Demography and Population

The population of the Dominion is varied in many places. Though it is mostly populated by Humans, High Elves, Half-Elves, Metallic Dragonborn, Vedalken, HalflingsTabaxi and Leonin, they are not the only folk that abide here. Some of the birdfolk of the east have also made their way here, like the Aarakocra, the Owlin and the Avariel Elves. Due to the large population of Humans, planetouched variants such as Aasimar, Tieflings, Genasi and Kalashtar also spring up in these communities. Immigrants from nearby nations, such as the Dwarves, Rock Gnomes and Goliaths of Magh Dorul or the Wood Elves, Harengon and Shifters of Efhalond find their way here as well. From their burgeoning expertise in artifice, Warforged have been becoming common among the residents of the Dominion as well. Finally, hailing from the hidden realms of mist, Changelings find themselves in the heart of Enethori civilization, learning all they can about urban culture and blending into it.


The Dominion holds most of the land in the Athawin Prairies, whether as farmland or city territory. The prairies themselves are the ancestral home of the Tabaxi and the Leonin, though they share the land with the Founding Dragons on very amicable terms. The catfolk make up a decent part of the demography of the Dominion, and their culture is commonly celebrated and represented alongside the culture of the other races they share their land with.


Though not having had to fight in a war since the War of Blood, the Peacekeepers of the Dragonsguard are specially trained for battle, and are employed as the military force of the Dominion. They typically don scale mail, in honor of the Founding Dragons, and in a show of their rank. Brass is the lowest rank, followed by Copper, then Bronze, then Silver, and finally Gold, at the highest rank. Employed among their ranks are not only just warriors, but also those blessed by worship, bound by oath, or trained in arcane magic, though wizards trained for war are few and far between.


After the Great Upheaval, when the Founding Dragons came together to found the Aesalatus Dominion, they outlawed the worship of the Gods of the Ashen Pantheon, due to the involvement of their faithful in the conflict, and the great danger they posed to the present and future citizens of the Dominion. Beyond that, worship of the Lucent Pantheon is legal and encouraged.


Found below are the codified laws (and punishments for breaching them) of the Dominion, composed by the Founding Dragons themselves. Fines and punishments against a Peacekeeper, a Magistrate, or a Chosen are doubled. Against one of the Founding Dragons themselves, the fines and punishments are tripled.
Theft: 5-10 days incarceration and/or a fine of twice the worth of the stolen goods.
Worship of Non-Dominion Gods: 30 days incarceration and a fine of 250 gp.
Slavery: 12-20 months incarceration and a fine of 1800 gp.
Trespassing: 12 days incarceration and/or fine of 215 gp.
Tax Evasion: 5-30 days incarceration and a repossession of property equal to the amount owed.
Damage to Private Property: 5-15 days incarceration or a fine of twice the worth of property damaged.
Damage to Crown Property: 15-60 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property damaged.
Kidnapping: 60 days incarceration and/or a fine of 800 gp.
Assault with Intent to Injure: 30 days incarceration and/or a fine of 350 gp.
Assault with Intent to Kill: 250 days incarceration and/or a fine of 1800 gp, or execution.
Murder: 8-15 years incarceration, and/or a fine of 6000 gp, or execution.
Treason: Execution.

Agriculture & Industry

The Dominion is less an industry power, and more an agricultural power on Enethor and Melorian as a whole. They grow most of the grains, such as wheat and barley, that feed the Dominion and all of its trade partners. Additionally, they supply lots of meat, from livestock animals like buffalo and cows. For fruits and vegetables, they also grow lots of beets, corn, gourds, and various kinds of beans. They also provide sunflower seeds, honey, mead and whiskey, milk, and many leathers. On the industry side, due to the many buffalo and cows, many tanners work hides. Farmers of all kinds produce the crops and tend to the livestock that feed the Dominion and that get traded with other nations. Smaller mining operations provide gold, silver and copper to the mint, iron to the blacksmiths, and coal to burn for heat.

Trade & Transport

The Dominion, with their burgeoning research into artifice and metallurgy, have built a rudimentary rail line connecting their own cities, and have been working to expand it to many of the other settlements. Much of their larger trade is conducted by cargo train shipment. They ferry over large shipments of grains such as wheat and barley, the whiskey and beer that come from it, cured meats and leathers from livestock like buffalo and cow, and other smaller exports like honey. They have trade agreements with many nearby nations such as the forested kingdom of Efhalond or the mountainous stronghold of Magh Dorul. To nations outside of Enethor that aren't connected by train, they also have fleets of trading ships.

"Protection through Progress"

Founding Date
Year 1
Geopolitical, Country
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
  • Brass Scale (1cp)
  • Copper Scale (2cp)
  • Bronze Scale (5cp)
  • Silver Scale (1sp)
  • Gold Scale (1gp)
  • Platinum Shard (1pp)
  • Platinum Scale (5pp)
Major Exports
Occupying the Athawin Prairies of Enethor, the main exports of the Dominion are their grain products, honey, and some livestock products.
Major Imports
The most valuable import for the Dominion is wood, en masse, from cities like Efhalond. They also recieve lots of stone and other minerals from the mountain city of Magh Dorul.
Legislative Body
The Founding Dragons themselves wrote the laws of the Dominion, as well as the punishments for breaking them. They appoint the Magistrates to their positions, and sometimes oversee high-profile judgements.
Judicial Body
The Dragonsguard are the main law-enforcing within the Dominion. After much training within the gendarmerie, a capable Peackeeper may find themselves promoted to Magistrate. The Magistrates are the judges of the Dominion, sentencing criminals and interpreting the laws composed by the Dragons themselves. It is customary to bow to a Magistrate.
Executive Body
The Dragonsguard are the main law-enforcing within the Dominion. The lowest rank among them are the Peacekeepers, of which members are found in every city. Members of most races found in the Dominion are found among their ranks. They serve to enforce the law of the Dominion and keep the peace in every city they hold power in. They commonly dress in scale mail, in honor of the Founding Dragons. After years of training and service, a Golden Peacekeeper may find themselves promoted to Magistrate.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


The Dominovem are generally slow to trust, but the Dominion have proven themselves a worthy ally.

Articles under The Aesalatus Dominion


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