Age of Prosperity

The 4th Era
From 8605 TbS to 0 TbS

"Age of Prosperity" was an era that started of the human kingdom of Corene, then once existed on the lands of current Casau and Donchar. It was the first great human kingdom of its time and solidified that the are of titans was over, and the true rise of humanoid species had become. As dragons and giants fell out of relevance, humans were able to build their empires for the first time, and elves, dwarfs and other species managed to make their true stance.

The Age of Prosperity saw the rise and fall of several great powers and was coloured by exploration, advancement, nation-building, and great curiosity. This time is often romanticized in literature and seen fondly if the actual history points out several similar problems still plaguing the world today.

Age lasted about 8605 years according to the estimations but was abruptly cut short by the natural disaster. A great earthquake, known as The Cracking seemed to come out of nowhere shook the known world, lifting mountains, drowning lands and causing other great disasters. The confusion and destruction started the current age, the Age of Scars.

Cover image: Horizon by Free-Photos

Age of Prosperity

8605 TbS 0 TbS

"Age of Prosperity" was an era that started of the human kingdom of Corene, then once existed on the lands of current Casau and Donchar. It was the first great human kingdom of its time and solidified that the are of titans was over, and the true rise of humanoid species had become. As dragons and giants fell out of relevance, humans were able to build their empires for the first time, and elves, dwarfs and other species managed to make their true stance.

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