Empire of Islenor
Empire of Islenor is biggest Elven country known to the world, if not the biggest country of them all, and it's vastness in global standpoint is significant. Once a little kingdom in the far north of Umeros, it has stood pretty much uncontested in all it's might, even with some setbacks in recent history.
Islenor's power is clearly seen in the continent of Umeros, and all the decisions and ideas that the Empire serve tend to end up massively directing and changing the course of the world around it. Despite its superpower status, the Empire suffers from several inner conflicts, even more so as the Emperor Alathar Thelirme is getting closer to his death and the land stands without a clear heir.
But while the unfortunate events have taken a toll, the people of Islenor are still known for their knowledge, honour and skill, and are well respected in the wider world.
Islenor's highest seat of power belongs to the emperor. The area is currently divided into 18 Duchies, and those duchies further divide into counties and occasionally even smaller baronies. These lands and titles are often hereditary or given out by nobles with high enough rank.
As Islenor is a sizable Empire, Emperor has 4 special nobility ranks to give: Archduchy of Winterheart, Archduke of the Spring Rise , Archduke of the Autumn Vales & Archduke of the Summer Fields. The title can be given or taken by emperor at any point, and it comes with no estate attached to it. Each of the archduke title come with and area associated with, which the person with the title is now responsible for, taking part as emperor's representative in the region.
Ivae aul tel'mor.
"Light in the darkness."
Tel'taurn Tal
Tel'Taurn Tal is the very capital of Empire of Islenor. It is the seat of the ruling Emperor, and home of the Glass Palace.
Empire of Islenor (incomplete)
Empire of Islenor is a powerful state of the high elves, respected and feared by its neighbours.
Was declared as Empire: 627 AoS
- Archduke of the Autumn Vales
- Archduke of the Spring Rise
- Archduke of the Summer Fields
- Archduke of the Winterheart
- Baron of Herihel
- Baron of Vonafel
- Baron of Y'nlond
- Count of Casever
- Count of Griffinpeak
- Count of Sword Mountain
- Count of Winter Roses
- Duke of Arrn Haera
- Duke of Braveheart
- Duke of Crith Dun
- Duke of Dae Narza'af
- Duke of Evergreen
- Duke of Lanilathrun
- Duke of Lirit Siril
- Duke of Losse Vanya
- Duke of Mestar Trea
- Duke of Nar'Mathora
- Duke of Sehan Thosel
- Duke of Selarrymn
- Duke of Silath Shil
- Duke of Skygate
- Duke of Sy'Niketu
- Duke of Uskeche Arael
- Duke of Vil Holme
- Duke of Za'Shal
- Ruler of Islenor