
See Also: Quickener (Adimus Classification) | Quickening (Transportation Method)
A quickener can transport to any person or quartz marker that they are linked to.   Like translifts, quickening is instantaneous, but unlike translifts, a quickener is not bound to a fixed location. Even if a quickener can only connect to a dozen people or places, that list can change based on their needs. Only the most recent connections are held in the staff memory, newer ones taking the place of the oldest connections. This allows versatility in what they stay connected to. However, quickeners have some distinct limitations that translifts do not have:   1) Quickeners are hampered by quartz
In general, a quickener cannot transport to or from any place surrounded by quartz; the exception being traveler quartz. In addition, they cannot transport large quantities of raw quartz or ustus.   2) Quickeners can only transport a limited amount of people or items
Unlike translifts, which are only limited by size, quickeners can typically only transport between 5 and 10 people. Talented quickeners with powerful staffs can transport up to 20.   3) Quickeners cannot transport the unwilling
Even the most novice adimus user can detect and reject a quickener link. This makes them inappropriate for things like prisoner transport.   Despite these limitations, quickening is still the most flexible form of transportation. It is also the most expensive as quickeners are rare and can charge whatever they want for their services.  

Hiring A Quickener

There are multiple ways that people typically hire the services of a quickener.  

Commercial Quickeners

A commercial quickener can usually be found by going to a city’s marker and contacting a quickener that is connected to it, or in some cases a quickener will leave their own marker. Most cities have a means for quickeners to advertise their services somewhere in the city or at the marker box so that people can know the names of available quickeners and where they are able to transport people to. This varies widely depending on the domain and in some domains commercial quickeners are not allowed, making it impossible to hire one.   Commercial quickeners can charge whatever they like, and their fees are not regulated. This can often lead to usurious behavior. However, a quickener must be fully qualified and licensed by the Fantasmal Government in order to operate. Their license can be revoked if they take payment for a job that they do not complete, so even though quickeners are notorious for price gouging, they always perform the services they are paid for except in extreme outlier circumstances. Unlicensed quickeners are severely punished up to and including years in prison.  

Resident Quickeners

A resident quickener is an individual quickener who serves a specific person, family, company, or organization. They are typically expected to only serve the people who employ them and no one else and are paid highly for that exclusivity. Resident quickeners are also expected to be able to quicken anywhere so they may have to use personal connections and resources or find and hire commercial quickeners to accomplish this. In most cases, a resident quickener pays out of his own earnings to accomplish this or they may arrange for a specific stipend to accomplish these tasks, depending on the contract.  

Quickener Networks

In some instances, a nation or large domain may have a quickener network available to its citizens to use. This is similar to hiring a commercial quickener except that these networks have a specific set of locations they quicken to and nowhere else and their fees are fixed by the governing body. Private quickener networks are also common for military, government, and other large organizations.  

Qualification and Licensing

All quickeners must be fully-qualified and licensed by the Fantasmal Government in order to operate. Because of the dangers surrounding quickening, operating without a license is a crime punishable by a huge fine and up to ten years in jail. The penalty increases if someone was hurt or killed during transport.   In addition, a quickener can lose their license temporarily or permanently if they cheat a customer or participate in any kind of crime, even as an accessory after the fact. Specifically, quickeners cannot transport slaves or any people they believe could be being enslaved or forced to go someplace against their will, nor can they help a criminal flee the scene of a crime.
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