

The original settlers of Benka were members of the nobility of Tefely and their servants who fled after Jurim conquered seven-hundred years ago. Not as abundant in farmland as their homeland, the settlers still found rich soil and a higher quality grape than found on the mainland. Among the houses that fled was House Sepoqel, House Khermind, and House Exarti, who together formed a ruling council with a fourth spot elected from among the most highly ranked servants.

The three houses originally landed at what is now Wynap, but within forty years began to spread out across the island, with the servant representatives electing to stay and develop the mining around Wynap further. House Sepoqel traveled across the Corral Bay and discovered the grapes and other fruits there. House Exarti traveled north up the coast after a disagreement with House Khermind and eventually found the Star Shard and its unique resources.

House Khermind traveled through the Wister Wall Mountains into the inner forest, but nothing is said what became of them. Shortly afterwards, the council met and announced a proclamation that none are to enter the Greenbrook Woods. Some have scaled the Wister Walls highest peaks to see a massive tree in the center of the forest, but none who have entered have returned.

With relative peace and little competition for resources, Benka has flourished into a moderate economy but a highly influential culture setter. Two-hundred years ago, the ruling council transitioned into a republic but the original councilor families still when many elections. Exarti Trading Corporation is the richest company in the country, but the entertainment brokers of Sepoqel Artists United, Berryhew & North Productions and the Theater Alliance are more influential. Sepoqel Spirits, Red Crop, and Stellar are the most well-known vineyards. Benka is strengthening its relationship with Tefely since the conclusion of their regained independence.

Notable Locations

  • Marnat: The capitol of Benka is the premier maker of wines with its rich grape crop and has become a highly influential cultural center with its dedication to the arts. Marnatian engineers have focused on developing technologies to support the arts, recently inventing machines that collect magical images and project them back as life-like illusions. Many of Menerem’s most talented theater actors, directors and writers are relocating to Marnat, embracing this game-changing technology.
  • Errapol: Located on the northeastern end of the island of Highrote, Errapol was founded surrounding a twenty-mile-wide crater from a prehistoric meteor strike. The crater is coated in a yellow-toned metal, with a large chunk of the material stretching up over three-hundred feet into the sky in the center of the crater, known as the Star Shard. A unique worm had long inhabited the Shard before it was discovered by sentient species, draping the large formation in a strange silk. Errapol is the largest supplier of meteoric iron and star silk to the mainland, making, harvesting both materials. They leave the Star Shard untouched, however, not wanting to upset any delicate environment needed by the star worms to keep producing their silk.
  • Wynap: Wynap is largely overshadowed by the more famous Benkan cities but is quietly one of the largest suppliers of many common metal and stone, as well as the third largest supplier of orbite. Its massive port is the largest off the mainland and boasts a vibrant worker-class entertainment scene.
Benka Political Map Base Map Image
  • Government: Republic
  • Ruler: Premier Vistor Hughes
  • Wealth: Medium
  • Exports: Wine, arts, meteoric iron, star silk

Character Ideas

  • Winemaker - Artificer (Alchemist)
  • Actor/Playwright - Bard (Eloquence)
  • Star Shard smith - Artificer (Armorer, Battle Smith)
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Republic


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