

Jurim is an ancient country and was until recently the largest and richest. Now it is a shell of its past strength occupying lands dominated by magic-created volcanoes and little arable land. Its origins are relegated to lore and myth, with a tale of a group of diverse settlers sailing to the once-verdant jungles and swamps.

The early Jurim formed a kingdom under King Haran. The kingdom rose in power slowly, over millennia conquering the neighboring nations of Munice, Choris, Draemol, Srammac, Ghaerin, Laeryn and Tefely under its banner. For most of its existence, all the formerly independent nations thrived under unification, forming a diverse and robust civilization while the kingdom tolerated cultural and language identities as long as the taxes were paid and levies sent on command.

That changed 72 years ago, when General Derasa Nonte orchestrated a coup with under-the-table support from the burgeoning Zerrac Trading Company. ZTC artificers had recently discovered the knowledge of how to synthesize Arkenstone by creating volcanoes with exacting specifications. Given a free hand under the new government, ZTC created thirteen such volcanoes in the ancestral lands of Jurim, which now relied on agriculture from the rich farmlands of Tefely. While General Noone and her closest allies gained vast wealth from the lucrative deals with ZTC, the economy as a whole suffered as millions were forcibly removed from their homes and made refugees.

A brief and spectacularly unsuccessful expansion war against Ullran and Kharra resulted in heavy losses to the Jurimite military and a weakened international standing.

To make matters worse, Gen. Nonte began crafting new policies that created hardships under the long-conquered nations. It came to a boiling point seven years ago when the allied forces of the four nations revolted and declared their mutual independence. Starved of the food and resources from these nations, Jurim eventually lost the civil war, concluding four years ago after the General’s death at the Siege of Haraten.

Now under the leadership of Gen. Nonte’s protégé, Gen. Allapar Milne, Jurim is a poor country largely reliant on their exports of Arkenstone, though ZTC and the ruling commanders retain most of this wealth.

Notable Locations

  • Haraten: The capitol of Jurim was the decadent jewel of civilization since before written history but has fallen behind since the coup that ousted the former royalty. Now, Haraten is a mix of the new nobility of the military leadership and trading companies and the civilians who struggle in squalor.
  • Nonteberg: Port city formerly known as Nulen, this city has the strongest economy in the newly reduced nation. ZTC has their headquarters here along with a number of their subsidiaries and rivals.
  • Arken Mines: There are four mines for each volcano for a total of fifty-two. Each one is manned by refugees or criminals, many of them urchins, political dissidents or debtors.
Jurim Political Map Base Map Image
  • Government: Military dictatorship
  • Ruler: General Allapar Milne
  • Wealth: Low
  • Exports: Arkenstone, Ore
  • Character Ideas

  • Volcano Protestor - Druid (any), Monk (Four Elements), Ranger (Drakewarden)
  • Arkfuel Processor - Artificer (Alchemist)
  • Sargeant at Arms - Cleric (War), Fighter (Battle Master), Monk (Kensai), Paladin (Conquest), Warlock (Fiend, Hexblade), Wizard (War Magic)
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Empire


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